It’s been a tough week. First of all I guess I relaxed a bit after last week’s big loss. Also I had one pub lunch day (allowed) but I also had a day where we had cakes for someone’s birthday, and another when we had “treats” for a company meeting. Normally I’d try to only have one of those type of things a week. I also had a couple of days when I missed my exercise.
By the weekend I was back on track as far as my normal regime goes but I was struggling a bit. I’d gotten a taste for eating again. I wanted to eat nice stuff, just because I fancied it. I managed to keep to my calorie limit but it was more of an effort of the will than it’s been lately. A similar thing happened with the exercise. I could easily have gone for a walk both Saturday and Sunday but I didn’t and ended up doing an hour on the stepper – most grudgingly.
Still it can’t all be easy huh? and I did do it in the end. I guess it just worries me when I have these kinds of struggles because I think it’s easier to will myself to do stuff now when I’m heading for a target than it will be when I’m just trying to maintain the weight.
But hey ho, here I am again looking on the glass-is-half-empty side.
Weekly loss: 0.6kg (1.3lb)
Total loss: 30.1kg (66.4lb or 4st 10lb)
Current weight: 114kg (251lb or 17st 13lb)