7 books reading

Seven Books – Day 5

Page: 241
Which is: Peter talking to Stephen and Mrs Chin
Lead/Lag: -42
Time Spent (today): 3hours 46mins
Time Spent (total): 8hours 12mins
Pages Remaining: 1843 (19% complete)
Favourite Character: Peter
Cool Moment: Peter defusing the demon trap
Quote: “‘So you’re undercover?’
‘As yourself?’
‘It saves on having to memorise stuff'”

So I read a lot today* so it was hard to pick moments/quotes. Also Beverley & Alona Silver were both potential favourite characters – but in both cases they haven’t quite done enough yet, they remain potential. For Beverley this is based on what I know of her from past books, for Silver she seems like she might be badass but hasn’t done much yet.

The story is unfolding nicely. It’s got some cool ideas – is it an AI or is it some kind of supernatural entity behind this? Might it be a hybrid of both – like the magic-powered 3D-printed drones, which are also cool. I like the librarians. I like seeing a glimpse into magical society in another country (we might have had a bit of this in October Man but I honestly forget)

Meta: I would have liked to fully catch up on the target but that would require a lot of reading for that. A lot more I mean and I already did a lot. There’s always tomorrow**

*well Saturday, posting this a bit late

**i.e. Sunday, which is when I wrote the draft for this post, but earlier than I posted it.

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