It’s almost that time again when I round up how well I’ve down with the year’s reading goals and set the new ones for the next year. Well I’m going to do half of that (setting goals).
Erm actually I’m going to do half of half of that (set some goals). Or a quarter of a half. Or something…
I’m officially signing up for the “TBR Triple Dog Dare” – which is a challenge to only read from your TBR list for Jan, Feb and Mar. My TBR is pretty healthy and gives a wide selection to choose from.
Actually I’ll go one further and say I want to finish books I’ve already started. OK so that’s my goal for Jan-Feb-Mar. If I get bored I’ll allow myself TBR books that I’ve not started.
One reply on “New Goal for 2014 (part 1)”
Sorry I’m so late coming round, but thanks for gsigning up for the TBR Triple Dog Dare. I hope you are having fun with it.