Hi. Welcome. If you’re new, doubly welcome.
This is the new home for my blog. Which I do intend to update more than once a year, honest! I’m still thinking about what with exactly but that’s part of the fun, the mystery, the excitement.
I started this blog back in 2003 on LiveJournal. I wanted to “join the conversation” that had moved off of the usenet newsgroups I used to follow. Later (can’t be bothered to check the date) I moved it off LJ when I got frustrated with the formatting (and there wasn’t much “conversation” happening anyway).
And now to here.
For now I’ve copied it across and kept things “as is”. I may decide to tweak the look and feel – or completely overhaul it. We’ll see. As I said, fun, mystery and excitement!
One reply on “New Blog (Same as the Old Blog)”
All seems to work OK on the new site.