This is a momentous day, a day foretold, a day long yearned for and yet which was often thought might never arrive…
It didn’t start so well.
As you may remember when I first started Lesamy I didn’t have specific goals. I had a 10% milestone and a “see what happens next” idea. I then quickly became focussed on Christmas and looking thinner for my family then. The 10% milestone went by and it was obvious that it was going to take longer to get to a weight where I looked – how I thought I wanted to look.
Anyway at some point 12 stone emerged as my overall target. It was that because a) it put me in a “normal” range for BMI and b) I’d been that weight before at 21. It’s not like I set it at 10 stone, the weight I was when I was 18. I was thinking that over a long-ish timeframe that was realistic.
That long-ish timeframe was, in my mind, sometime this summer. However it became obvious that it would take longer than that and then I realised it might take up to a year. As you know I passed the half-year mark a week before I passed half-way to my target. And the rate of weight-loss has slowed. Prior to Christmas I was averaging 3.3lbs a week. Since Christmas I’ve averaged just over 2.
When I realised these were the figures last night, I started to think about doing some calculations. I think the rate will probably slow a little more over time but I don’t know how much. So I went for a few options. Here’s my results:
So my most optimistic prediction is that I’ll hit my target just before Christmas, my most pessimistic is next August. Almost certainly it’ll be over 18 months before I hit 12 stone. The final column(s) were just to see what my weight would be if I took whatever I end up at 1 year as being a target to maintain at.
So these figures were a bit of a shock. However I told myself two things
- it took twenty years to get from 12 to 22+ stone, taking two to get back is not unreasonable
- it’s more likely to stay off if it comes off at that rate
Still I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little down about it. Anyway I got up from my desk, I went into the kitchen to get a coffee and met S., a colleague there.
“Hi Paul. You’ve lost weight” he said.
“I have,” I said
“Well done”
That was all that was said on the topic but it made my day. Someone noticed!