6000 pages reading reviews

6000 Pages, Lord Foul’s Bane – Stephen Donaldson (pages 3847-4375)

Lord Foul's Bane

When I was a student and my finals were approaching I found this book in a charity shop for 10p. I read the back and it sounded interesting and hey only 10p… In those days I was not intimidated by long books. The book is the first in what was then a series of 6 books (now 9 and there’s one more to come). I read the first five and a half in a couple of weeks during the ‘rest breaks’ from my revision for finals. The final half book took me several months.

That says something about something. Either me or the books or both. Anyway…

Lord Foul’s Bane is the story of a man, Thomas Covenant, who is transported to another world – called simply “the Land” – where he bears resemblance to a mythic hero and where his wedding ring is a magical object of great power – not that he knows how to use it. The other thing we learn about Covenant is that he is a leper, and we learn that the key to managing leprosy is a dogmatic vigilance to the dangers around him – he can’t rely on his dead nerves to warn him when he’s injured himself and so must carefully check for minor scrapes and cuts in case they get infected. This leads to a rejection of anything but the harsh realities of life. He can’t afford to think about life the way it was (his wife divorced him and took their son) or how he wishes it were, he must focus on the practicalities of simply surviving.

So when he finds himself in “the Land” – a place of beauty and magic, a place where his leprosy is healed and feeling returns – he rejects it as a dangerous dream. However in order not to be overwhelmed by it he tries to follow the logic of the dream and interacts with the people he finds there as if they were real whilst believing them not to be. This he calls his “Unbelief”.

There are a couple of big hurdles to enjoying this and the other books in this series. The first is that Thomas Covenant is hard to like. For reasons that are understandable he is bitter and tends to be harsh to those around him, even those being kind to him. And when he first recovers his health in the Land he loses control and commits rape. I know of at least one person who gave up on the book at that point – which is several chapters in.

The second hurdle is Donaldson’s prose. He’s not one to use 10 words where 150 will do. He also, to my mind, delves into the psychological motivations of Covenant in excessive detail such that he makes a mockery of “show don’t tell”.

Given this, why read Lord Foul’s Bane?

Well it’s all about story and the story is, I think, a compelling one. At the point where he enters the Land Covenant is given a message from the eponymous Lord Foul for the Lords – the rulers and protectors of the Land. The section of the book – about the first 2/3rds – which concerns Covenant’s journey to deliver this message has a driving energy to it which always gets me. I’ve started this book more times than I’ve finished it, and usually if I’ve abandoned it it’s at the point just after he’s given the message at the Council of the Lords where I’ve floundered.

I almost did again this time. In fact it was perhaps only the fact that having read 300+ pages I did not want them to go to waste because of not finishing the book.

7/10 – if you like fantasy, can overlook an unlikeable hero and plough through the turgid prose then there’s an interesting story in there.

6000 pages reading reviews

6000 Pages, It’s Only a Movie – Mark Kermode (pages 3527-3846)

It's Only a Movie

So we’re on to book 11 (only 11! It’s November!!) and this is my first non-fiction. In fact it’s my first since I started doing these reading blog projects. The last non-fiction I remember reading was Danny Wallace’s Join Me which must have been pre-2006 and I didn’t finish that.

Mark Kermode is someone I enjoy on the radio on the weekly podcast of his movie reviews with Simon Mayo. It’s Only a Movie is a sort of autobiography. I say sort of only because it’s in more or less the right order but leaves lots out and jumps around – as he often does on the radio once he gets on to a tangent about a particular movie he goes with that.

What you end up with is a series of anecdotes about being a film critic. They are well told and funny and yet don’t seem to add up to a whole lot. Strangely it felt a lot like the radio show but I liked it less. I think the value of having someone to spar with, and someone who drags him back on topic is not inconsiderable.

6/10 – a light entertaining read but not much more.

Less is More

Less Is More Week 17 – Bony’s Back!

Lost: 1.8lbs
Lost so far: 35.9lbs
Average Weekly Loss: 2.1lbs
Weight: 258.8lbs (18st 7lb)

Given that last week’s official loss was 0, and given that I was down to 259.2 the following day – just under a pound a week and less than half a pound since Tuesday isn’t that great. But… well it’s still a loss. I’ve got no more social events planned for the next week so I should be able to do a full week on the diet with no exceptions.

Oh and the bony ass is back (as is the loose watch-strap – different watch, same problem).

Having just updated the ticker I’ve realised I’m now over half-way to my one year target – which at week 17 is not too bad!

Less is More

I Won That Bet!

One of the other things I keep telling myself is that I can ‘absorb’ a single night/day’s excess and still lose weight but there’s a timing element – Friday can be too close to Monday to make it back – I bet I’m down by tomorrow night.

Unofficial weigh-in tonight – 259.2lbs

In other words I lost nearly a pound and a half last week – with a slightly flexible definition of ‘week’.

So the knife-edge is blunted by the hands of time – or something. 🙂

Less is More

Less is More Week 16 – Grumpy on the Knife-Edge

Lost: 0lbs
Lost so far: 34.1lbs
Average Weekly Loss: 2.1lbs
Weight: 260.6lbs (18st 8lb)

I’ve spent most of the last 2-3days feeling very grumpy because pre-official weighing suggested that I would put on weight. Given that I’ve stayed as I was I’m mildly relieved and less grumpy – but I’d already thought up the title and liked it.

The reason behind these numbers isn’t a complete surprise to me. Friday night I had a pizza and a bottle of wine, after having been to the pub Friday lunch-time. Also on Saturday whilst I stuck to my calorie limit I didn’t do my walk – which is equivalent to another 800calories.

So if I had splurged in this way I shouldn’t be surprised and grumpy right? Well yes, except that in the past I have gotten away with more and still lost weight. But it’s not even that, it’s the fact that it feels like I can’t even have one day off without it having an impact. Imagine I’ve hit my target, imagine that I’m trying to maintain that weight – then this week’s result is telling me that I can at most afford to let my resistance slip for a few hours or the odd meal. That I must keep up the exercise and diet at a similar level.

Actually if I was at that level I would probably allow myself to go a pound or three up before I started to worry. Although what it does remind me is what a knife-edge I’m on. The first few pounds will go back on as quickly and easily as the first few fall off.

Ultimately I kept going – forcing myself out for a walk on Sunday and keeping to the diet – because what’s the alternative? Even if I decide I don’t want to lose weight do I want to go back to growing ever larger and finding clothes hard to find? to getting out of breath walking up the stairs? No. And the effort in maintaining this weight is an awful lot like the effort needed to lose just a pound or so a week.

In any case, that’s what I’m currently telling myself. I hope it’s working.

This week I have a regular social event on Thursday which involves a take-away and beer. I shall indulge but with one eye slightly on the quantity. I shall also be aware that I shall need to get back on the diet straight away and that that ought to be enough time to allow for a small loss by next Monday. (One of the other things I keep telling myself is that I can ‘absorb’ a single night/day’s excess and still lose weight but there’s a timing element – Friday can be too close to Monday to make it back – I bet I’m down by tomorrow night.)

Anyway with that I’ll sign off. Not so grumpy as I could be.

Less is More

Less is More Week 15 – Just the Stats

Lost: 2.8lbs
Lost so far: 34.1lbs
Average Weekly Loss: 2.3lbs
Weight: 260.6lbs (18st 8lb)

Can’t think of much to write tonight but I don’t want to leave it so just the stats. Fortunately they’re good 🙂

Less is More

Less is More Week 14 (and 13) – in Which I Walk the Streets

Gained (week 13): 3lbs
Lost (week 14): 3.4lbs
Lost so far: 31.3lbs
Average Weekly Loss: 2.2lbs
Weight: 263.4lbs (18st 11lb)

So I had a bad week-end a week ago. And it’s the usual story – taken me another week to lose it back. I really need to stop doing that. It not only slows me down (not so bad actually) but it makes the motivation tougher – I have to work so hard, just to get back to where I was.

But you’ve heard that all before.

Tonight I walked the streets. Normally my exercise consists of walking laps (and other configurations) around the park. But it’s getting darker and I left work fairly late, so I walked the streets instead. I prefer to do this at this time of year because it’s better-lit and I don’t look like a crazy person – I could just be someone on my way home – unless you follow me and notice that I walk so far, turn around and then walk home.

This is only slightly spoiled by the fact that this is the route I used a lot early this year – Jan, Feb time – i.e. the tail end of Lesamy i.e. when I was losing one week only to re-gain the next – and so on. Thing is, my original “streets” walk is a little impractical, well long, given that I work further away from home (but not far enough that that itself is my walk).

Maybe I need a new route. Or I could use the stepper. Urgh! the stepper!! no.

We’ll see.

6000 pages reading reviews

6000 Pages, Scott Pilgrim – Bryan Lee O’Malley (pages 3239-3526)

Scott Pilgrim vol1 (of 6)

So, before I get into the review proper I need to get a couple of technicalities out of the way first.

Firstly, I read all six of the Scott Pilgrim comic books but I’m counting them as one ‘book’ for the purpose of this blog. Since we’re counting pages that’s largely irrelevant but it means you only get one review.

Second, I decided that the page count needed some adjustment. It would be flattering but a little unfair to count the pages as-is given the comic book form. So I added up all the pages and the time it took me to read and came up with a figure that maintains my approximate pages/hour count – which is 4 Scott Pilgrim pages=1 page from a regular book. Anyhow I’m happy with that and since the whole thing is arbitrary…

Scott Pilgrim tells the story of an early-20s slacker and his friends and their respective intertwined love-lives. As the story begins he’s just started dating a 17-year-old and you get the feeling this is because he enjoys the simplicity of just hanging out with someone who likes him.

He’s also in a band and they feature in the story too.

Of course if you’ve heard much about this, particularly the movie, then you’ve probably heard about is his new girlfriend’s “seven evil exes”. Oh when I say “new girlfriend” I mean the one he dumps his highschooler for not the 17year-old herself.

Oh and then there’s the fact that the story is told with the style and visual accompaniments of a video game.

There’s a lot to like here and I did. I think that when I was the same age as the characters I would have absolutely loved it. Anyway, I particularly like the way that despite some visual slickery and surreal story elements, the characterisation and relationships remain resolutely and realistically complicated. So it’s not in any way ‘dumbed down’ just because it uses relatively youthful pop culture references.

I found the pre-ending a little confusing (it’s better in the movie) but the ending ending was fine – hopeful, optimistic but not unrealistic.

8/10 – makes me wish I were young again (and in love/lust)

6000 pages book reading reviews

6000 Pages, The Rapture – Liz Jensen (pages 2898-3239)

The Rapture - Liz Jensen

The Rapture is a hard book to classify, except to say that as usual, it’s not the sort of book I would have once read. Let’s see if I can make at least an attempt at a summary:

Gabrielle a psychologist with her own physical and emotional challenges, is working in a secure hospital with young dangerous adults. One of these, Bethany, is there because she murdered her mother. However there’s something a little different about Bethany, she has apocalyptic visions of destruction. Given that her father is an evangelical Christian preacher this is perhaps not unexpected. Except that when they start to come true…

I really enjoyed this book. It’s told mostly from Gabrielle’s point of view. She’s in a wheelchair from a car accident and that alone – the perspective of someone with those challenges – made the first part of the book interesting. Add to that the unfolding intrigue of Bethany and her visions. Also there’s a man – Frazer the Physicist – who may or may not be a love interest. Then about half-way through – another growing trend – the plot really kicks in and we’re into a fast-paced thriller-cum-disaster epic.

If this was a movie it would be a cross between One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and The Day After Tomorrow. In fact I think one of the reasons I liked it so much was that it played like a big spectacular movie in head as I read. But it’s a movie I’ve not seen before. It’s big action blockbuster for sure but it’s not dumb. In fact it’s raising issues to do with climate change and has a global-warming related end-of-the-world scenario that I’ve not heard of before.

There are problems with this book – in particular there’s a relationship-related plot thread that’s pure soap opera or cheesey sitcom. It needed to get resolved a lot quicker as it was too obvious where it was going. And yet I forgave the book that because ultimately it was such a wild ride.

9/10 – the end of the world shouldn’t be so much fun.

Less is More

Less is More Week 12 – Comparisons

Lost: 2.6lbs
Lost so far: 30.9lbs
Average Weekly Loss: 2.6lbs
Weight: 263.8lbs (18st 11lb)

One of the things about having done this before is that I’m constantly comparing my progress with various points in the past. Like I’m about 3months in, how does that compare with 3months in to Lesamy? Or how does it compare with May 2009 when I was at my lowest? Or when, roughly, did I get back to this weight when I let things slide again? Or when was I about this weight earlier this year when I was trying again, but not really succeeding?

The trouble with all this comparison is that a) it’s probably not that helpful and b) I can never remember what I weighed at all those key moments. Oh I’ve got my old spreadsheets but I usually think about this stuff when I’m out walking, so I’m relying on memory. My memory.

Perhaps the best thing is just not to bother comparing. And just as soon as I figure out how to do that…