

Not a proper blog post (that would be a time-waster) just a few points of interest.

* That blog post itself yesterday took 90mins!

* M. was fine about what I wrote, except she claims it’s me that keeps us talking when we’ve nothing to say.

* I did my hour’s writing – a little over in fact – and completed a rough draft of an idea for AFO challenge for Jan 🙂

* I didn’t do my reading, nor have I yet today 🙁

* I stayed up way too late and consequently am tired. Still, coffee exists and tomorrow is Friday!

* I’m not using WordPress bullet points again until I can figure out how to stop the font going all weird.



M. got me a couple of books on writing for Christmas. In the introduction to “A Novel in a Year” Louise Doughty asks

Think what you are prepared to sacrifice. Writing a novel takes many, many hours, and those are hours you could spend planting roses, raising children, earning money — or even just having a nice life. What, in your life, is going to disappear, to allow you the time to write a book?

Well, I’vc got no roses to plant or children to raise, but nevertheless that hit home. Mostly because I think, I’m aware a) how much time I seem to waste doing nothing, and b) how long it seems to take me to write things[1]. And then, even within the general category of ‘writing’ there’s a lot of activities I might undertake:

  • AFO reviews and critiques
  • AFO challenge stories
  • both of M.’s books are work-books, books with exercises I can work through
  • blogging – which itself is many categories (more later perhaps)
  • reading – everything I read on writing says to read more, and I read a lot less than I once did. And a lot of what I read is other amateur writers – which is fine but I’d like to start exposing myself to really good writing.
  • Big Serious Writing Projects – not even sure what these will be yet. Maybe they’ll be short stories I want to get published, or a novel, or even a screenplay

So what is going to disappear from my life to enable some or all of this? Well first let me clarify that it may only be ‘some’. I’m going to keep an eye on it but I may scale down my involvement in AFO. At the moment I’ve been reviewing virtually every new story, which has been taking hours. I can’t blame anyone else for that, it’s partly an ego thing that I want to be seen as a good citizen and partly a procrastination thing – 90 mins reading and reviewing a 3,000 story is “writing time” without me having to do the really hard work of my own writing. But I’m still pondering. I need to give it more time, see how things develop.

Anyway back to what will disappear? Here’s what I’m thinking so far

  • time not really doing one thing or another. I spend a lot of time half doing things. I’m watching TV but also surfing the web. I’m supposed to be writing but I’m fiddling with computer settings. If I can reclaim even a little of this ‘noodling around’ time I’ll be doing well[2]
  • Watching TV – much as I hate to say it, having spent a good part of the last year establishing what is now a really nice MythTV system, I spend too much time watching TV. So on stats alone, since it’s a large proportion of what I do, it’ll need to be a large portion of what I need to give up. Fortunately that’s not too hard (I think). A lot of what I record on Myth is might-be-good-let’s-record-on-the-offchance crap which I then watch just so I can delete it and keep the disk from filling up. I think I’m going to stop doing that. Or at least I’ll set it to auto-expire and if I don’t get around to it before it does, oh well.
  • Surfing the web – same rationale as the above. It’s what I spend a lot of time doing so there’s a lot of scope to cut back. This will actually be helped by the fact that I’ve gone a little cold on SoF (which used to account for many many hours online), now I mostly check it through habit. A lot of what I read I’ve seen before in some other form now. Interestingly, M., who I met on SoF, feels the same.
  • some late night chats with M. – ok, a slightly delicate one, since I haven’t actually mentioned this to her yet. It’s not the chats per se I want to cut back on, just some of the lateness. M. and I have the ability to just talk and talk, which is wonderful and the sign I think of a close friendship, but sometimes we try to live up to that even when we’ve not got a lot to say – so somehow there’s a feeling that all’s not well if we only chat for half an hour. And the lateness causes tiredness which makes things like sitting down to spend an hour writing a challenge. I know it affects M. too. What I want to do is to actually do stuff which we’ve talked about in the past such as having a limit to how late we talk on week-nights and not trying to force it when we’ve neither got much to say.

How much time that will realistically net me I’m not sure. However I’ve put together a vague plan of how I might spend my “writing time”:

  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – an hour of “writing” time and half an hour of reading. The writing time will usually be AFO related. I’m going to try to make sure I alternate between reviews and my own writing.
  • Saturdays – two hours writing time spent working through “A Novel in a Year”. It’s got a weekly structure and I don’t want to get ahead so any “spare” time can be spent on AFO/other projects. At least half an hour reading.
  • Sundays – three hours writing time (probably in 2 90min sessions) working through “Creative Writing – A Workbook with Readings” with is a pretty serious textbook (also a present from M.) Half an hour (or more) reading – although Creative Writing has readings in it.
  • Mondays and Fridays – these are “writing optional” days. I deliberately worked in some flexibility into the system. I can write if I want to, feel inspired. Or just have the night off, start/end the weekend if I’m tired. I’d probably write my blog on a Monday or a Friday. BTW I want to start blogging at least once a week. What I’m going to blog about is best left to another post I think (this must be pretty long by now[3])

Anyone who’s noticed that this looks suspiciously like New Year’s Resolutions is right but I’m not going to get too hung up if I don’t stick to it. If I miss it one day, I’ll get back to it the next. If I only half-keep to it I’ll be doing a heck of a lot better than I have done.

2008 is the year of me taking writing seriously!

[1]On monday I wrote a 2,000 word story for AFO. It took me two hours to write, another two to re-write/polish and it still felt like a rough draft when I was done.

[2]I think some noodling time is essential otherwise I’ll feel like I’m too regimented.

[3]Eek! Just check preview and it’s very long. Oh well. You read to here didn’t you?


Christmas Party

I don’t know why I always go to the work Christmas party but I do. OK, it’s free but is that enough reason to humiliate myself?

I go to the party, as do various people with their wives, partners, girlfriends etc. It’s formal so I end up feeling uncomfortable in a suit whilst all the women there are wearing cocktail dresses, short skirts, plunging necklines, generally making themselves look very attractive. Except that they’re not trying to attract me. So I get slowly drunk whilst all the while realizing that I’m missing out.

Why do I do this again?



Losing My Religion

It’s probably a strange thing to say more than nine years after I stopped going to church, but I think I may be losing my faith. And I’m only just discovering this now because of how my brain sometimes works like a computer running Windows.

Let me explain:

If your computer crashes or is unexpectedly rebooted in error, then Windows, if that’s what you’re running, will offer you the chance to boot something called “Last Known Good”. It’s an option to boot with the same settings as the last time it was successfully booted. It’s there in case you made a change so bad that you now can’t get into Windows at all. “Last Know Good” is your fall back position, what you can default to in order to have some chance of recovering from whatever it was that went wrong.

I think I have something like this. I’ve noticed before that I tend to stay in roughly the same mood from the time I go to bed to the time I get to work the next day. It’s as if, without anything to change it, I carry on in the same emotional direction (switching metaphors I could call it Newton’s First Law of eMotion). If I’m happy when I go to bed, I’ll be happy when I get to work, because nothing will have happened to change that. If I’m angry at the end of the day, I will be when I get up. “Sleeping on it” has no effect.

Except it’s kind of a false echo. I don’t think I really maintain that feeling, not the times I’m thinking of anyway. I think if I did I wouldn’t be so easily changed so soon. I’ll feel the anger but the first joke from a colleague cheers me up. I’ll be happy until the first irate customer brings me down. I’ll be operating in “Last Known Good”.

I think this works with people too. If the last time I saw/spoke to you we fought, chances are I’ll be carrying that with me into the next meeting. It may not even be a real experience. I’ve dreamt of falling out with people and been wary of them in the waking world. (Yes I know that happened in an episode of Friends, but also has genuinely happened to me.) And whilst the passage of time can help, make it easier to make a change in the next encounter, I can still be running on the previous emotion for a long time.

A really long time as it turns out, maybe nine years or more.

When I left church, when I decided to stop being a Christian – there was always a small part of me that thought I’d one day go back. I was angry and disappointed and frustrated and burnt out – and on some level I knew that and knew that once I’d had a chance to calm down, relax, re-group I’d be able, and I’d want to, go back.

But I stayed away too long, and my first few tentative steps of return were through a website called Ship of Fools (you may have heard of it), a place where I learned to doubt some of the truths I’d formerly believed. That was a problem, but precisely because I always saw myself going back to the same kind of faith that I’d had. When I read threads on the Ship, I tended to side sub-consciously with evangelicals, whilst at the same time having those doubts about evangelical belief.

It started to wear me down actually, and I took a sabbatical from the Ship. I believe I’ve mentioned it on here. I was so tired of “my” beliefs being attacked without having the confidence in them to defend them. Then I got in contact with old friends from my church days. I made a couple of weekend trips to visit them. I visited my old church, and a newer one planted out from it. Lots of familiar faces, familar forms of worship. It was comfortable (on the whole – my old place were having communion and I didn’t feel right about taking it which was slightly awkward).

And yet since then – which was about a five/six weeks ago – I’ve had a growing sense that that’s not what I believe any more. I had secretly expected, even hoped, that these trips would re-invigorate my faith. It didn’t happen. Instead I find myself thinking that I’ve lived the last nine years without it and done ok. Well ok, a lot of that time I was somewhat screwed up. But a) who isn’t? b) a lot of that was fallout from my original burnout and the rather strange choices I made after it – quitting my job and moving hundreds of miles away, having to start a new social life at 33 when I was a introvert to begin with, an introvert who wanted to curl up in a ball and lick my wounds.

I’ve probably “not done so well” in the last few years as much because I needed friends and a life as anything else. And anyway, in the last year, it’s gotten really good. I’m still something of a loner, but I’ve been more consistently happy than I’ve been, well ever really.

Some of you might be thinking that whilst it’s fine that I’ve ditched evangelicalism there are other ways to be a Christian, and I shouldn’t give up on faith altogether. Whilst I understand that point of view, there are two reasons I don’t think I’ll be popping along to my local liberal motr church or anglo-catholic tat-palace: 1) I think I’ve gotten a pretty good idea about most of the flavours of Christian belief – and the problem is that there are two many of them and they are contradictory. I’d probably be tempted to go for a One True Church religion if it wasn’t for that fact that there are two of them (ok many more than two, but two with a real claim to being ‘authentic’). I don’t know what my fixed points are any more. I used to have the Bible.

And 2) – well 2) is simply that I don’t feel it any more. I don’t feel the certainty, the need, the desire, the sense of something… I guess I miss prophesying (“my calling”) and being part of something larger than myself, having a bigger purpose.

I may still surprise myself but for now I’m happy losing my religion.


Gvim and vigour

I had the urge to blog tonight. I haven’t for a while and I feel like I’ve lots to say. However it’s getting late and I don’t want to be too long.

So I’ll try to be quick on the subject of gvim.


Gvim is “graphical vim” and of course vim is “Vi IMproved” and vi is an editor on Unix/Linux. So what I’ve done is set up gvim. I’m going to use it to write with. At this point anyone who knows what vi is like is probably thinking I’m crazy. For those who don’t, vi is not a word processor, it’s a text editor. It’s an editor with an obscure, esoteric and out of date way of doing things.

But I’m used to it. It’s been on every Unix/Linux computer I’ve ever used going back nearly 20 years. I already use vim to make posts to AFO. You may recall I use tin


as my newsreader, but tin allows you to configure your own editor. So I went with vi, or rather vim. The difference between vi and vim are subtle but important. Vim has many more features. I’ve only scratched the surface but it’s the ability to customise and configure shortcuts that I like. So I’m basically using those well-worn vi commands, but I have an auto-wrap at 78 columns. I can re-align a paragraph with a single keystroke. I get colour-coding of my headers and quoted text.

Since at the moment, I’m mainly writing for AFO, and AFO is usenet which is a ‘bare text’ medium, I don’t need fancy word processor features (by which I really mean simple stuff like bold, italic, font sizes). And as much as I like OpenOffice, especially the not-having-to-buy-MS-Office part, it’s slow to start and feels like overkill to type what is essentially text, maybe with the occasional underline.

Actually OO has downsides for text as I’ve discovered. It converts double-quote characters into left- and right- curved quote characters. Which look cool – in OO – but are in some extended, probably unicode, character set. When I Save As text and then copy and paste into tin, which is configured for plain ol’ ASCII, I get ? instead. Now I could figure out how to get OO to stop converting them, or figure out how to get it to convert them back when I save, or configure tin for full character set support – but in the end it’s easier just to write ASCII.

Usenet has conventions for most simple formatting. Behold bold: *bold text is between asterisks*. Observe italics: _underscores mark italics_. So I am mostly ok. If at some point I want to start writing for other outlets and want a .DOC, .RTF or .PDF file, OO will still be there and I can adapt any text docs easily enough. I may even figure out a little script to convert usenet formatted text to something OO could import. That’s the sort of thing I’d enjoy.

The only remaining question is why the g? Why gvim? No real reason. It has a few buttons to do common tasks. All of which are merely doing the equivalent of various keystrokes. It stands alone and can run from the desktop. But then I could run regular vim in a terminal, even create a shortcut for it. No, the only real reason was that the simply excitement of installing gvim, configuring it the way I like it and setting it up with a desktop shortcut,


is a motivation for me to actually use it. In other words, it helps getting me writing again. Which is important. I’m enjoying writing at the moment but getting myself down to it is still a bit of a challenge and the inner child in me can go “ooh shiny new toy” at gvim to get me over that initial hurdle.

(Those of you who are laughing at the idea that a) gvim is a shiny toy or b) that installing and configuring a text editor is in any way exciting can just go… Well my bet is you stopped reading after the pictures. 😛 as we say in usenet land)


Desks and Dreams

I had a lovely dream last night. I’ll tell you more about it in a moment. But first, some words justifying a picture.

I haven’t been blogging a lot lately but I have been busy. I’ve been doing stuff on the house. I’m trying to get all my furniture sorted and my spare room transformed into a room a guest could stay in rather than just a room full of boxes. In a few weeks I’ll have lived here for a year and it’ll be nice to feel like I’ve actually moved in!

Another thing I’ve been doing is I bought and assembled a desk. I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately and it’s nice to have a proper desk rather than the little folding table I was using. It was the desk in particular that caused me to re-arrange lots of furniture. I’ve turned my bedroom (the biggest room in the house) from bedroom/lounge to bedroom/office and am going to use the lounge as a lounge (what a concept! as my old boss used to say). I’ve also moved the mythtv box downstairs. So anyway I’m rather pleased with all this and here’s a picture of my desk:

My new desk

The other reason it deserves a pic is the inordinate amount of time it took to assemble. I don’t mind putting together flat-pack stuff but I do seem to be slow.

Back to dreams. I had a lovely dream last night. But before I get to it (!) something more general on dreams.

I was thinking about how we use the word “dream” in two different and distinct ways. Different and distinct to me anyway. There’s 1) the screen-in-your-head that plays random nonsense whilst you’re asleep and then there’s 2) the stuff we aspire to and hope for. I guess these are related. My dreams are always pretty random. I know that other people’s aren’t necessarily. M’s dreams are very coherent compared to mine. She’s told me she’s been dreaming lately of an event she’s worried about in real life. From what I understand it’s pretty much just playing out the scenario with a conclusion she’s nervous about.

When I dream it tends to be less straightforward. People morph into other people, strange context-switches occur, unusual things happen and seem normal. But having said that maybe that’s just the detail, the underlying dream can still be an expression of what’s on my mind.

So did I mention I had this lovely dream last night? Actually it was this morning. I’ve had a week of late nights and last night was a late one too, so I had a long lie-in. This dream was so nice that when I woke needing the loo, I got up, pee-ed, then got straight back into bed and continued the dream. Usually I can’t do that but this time I did.

The dream was basically this: I decided that I would just stop being worried about what people thought, that I would be less passive and I would just be more “fun”. So the dream sort of followed me going out for a day/evening doing various things. I was deliberately trying to be more extrovert. Not in a hey-look-at-me way, but in an attempt to get away from my usual hey-don’t-look-at -me way. I was aware that I might come across as wacky and weird and some people wouldn’t like it but I decided not to care and do it anyway.

And what happened is that I had a good time and that people liked it, liked me, liked being with me. And when I say people I of course mean women. There was one in particular who I was having a lot of fun with, who really liked me, and I liked her and I was really happy around. And when I woke up, it was her I wanted to get back to, spend more time with.

The thing I wondered about when I woke up properly was, was this just a dream in the 1) sense or is it also a 2) dream? Is my unconscious mind telling me something? It was lovely but in the real world I’ve been thinking a lot lately that I’m happy and that a relationship, whilst nice, would be a lot of work – both to find someone and the daily compromise to share your life with someone. But maybe that was all denial?

You may think this has nothing to do with desks. But being a writer is a 2) dream. Building a desk (and using it) is a real concrete expression of that. It’s a practical step I took to make my dream happen. It’s also a sign that I am prepared to come out and say this is what I want rather than cherish it as a secret desire but not do anything in case others tell me it’s stupid or wrong to think I could ever attain it, in case I tried and failed to get it. Interesting that in the dream I had to stop worrying what others thought in order to make myself more out-going and attractive.

But then it’s my unconscious so I would think that wouldn’t I?


Post Some Pictures

So… it’s been a while. What have I been up to? Well before I get into that, M. shared some insight with me last night. “People,” she said, “like pictures.” She’s posting on her blog every day at the moment and won’t consider posting unless she has a photo to go with it. So I thought I’d give it a go.

As I said it’s been a while and this is a brief overview of what I’ve been doing in the past few weeks. In October I had a few weeks off work and visited friends in Newcastle and Edinburgh.

As usual I’ve done some tinkering with my MythTV box. Since I’ve not done so so far I may as well have a couple of gratuitous screenshots. Here’s the main menu –

Here’s the TV Guide

Here’s watching a recording with on-screen display

One of the major things I’ve done is implement auto shutdown and wakeup so that it saves power. To ensure that it actually shuts down it now boots into the ‘welcome’ screen instead of the frontend proper:

Another was to setup once again MythWeb which is a web interface to MythTV, one which can actually be used externally if so set up.

It’s very useful for checking upcoming shows and scheduling recordings. Both things which can be done through the normal interface but which can be more convenient through the web.

As well as set this up again (something I’d done before but lost when re-installing after putting the new disk in) I tweaked it a little. I added the pre-defined search “Whats New”

as this is one that I use on the ordinary interface

See, every few days I add to my list of what I want to record by checking the New Titles and Movies lists. On the ordinary interface this means paging down several screens worth of stuff I’ve already seen. On MythWeb I can just scroll smoothly in a browser. Much easier. Except that there was no equivalent to New Titles. (There was one called “New Titles/Premieres” which was only brand new shows. I called mine “Whats New” to avoid confusion.)

Any way apart from MythTV, I’ve also been spending a lot of time writing. I’ve re-joined AFO and having posted a story and many reviews.

So that’s a brief overview with lots of pretty pictures.


Thinking about discspace (again)

To buy or not to buy a new harddrive?

Back in April when I bought the machine that would become my MythTV box I knew that 320Gb wasn’t huge (for Myth) but acceptable (and 3 times larger than the 100Gb across 2 disks I’d had up to then). But I always said I’d wait for a 750Gb drive to hit the £100 mark and buy one. The difference is I thought that would take until the end of the year but it’s here now. And my main drive is 9Gb (or 3-6 hours) off full. I say main drive because I’ve now got an external drive which holds my music, videos and archived recordings – i.e. older recordings which I’ve not yet watched but which have been pushed onto the slower external drive (they play fine, just take a second or two to start). In total I’ve got 500Gb used.

So 750Gb would only be a step up of 250Gb. I know, I know ‘only’ but in Myth terms it’s not huge. But it would allow me to bring my external drive stuff back on to an internal drive – which would make the whole thing run a little better (if I’m scrolling past a recording on the external drive it’s noticeably slower.) And it’d give me a little room for expansion.

So why not buy it? Well because I could wait and buy 1Tb in a few months for similar money (currently around £200) and because I’m still a little bit skint after buying the house and because it’s only a small step up in size. See if I bought a silly amount of disc – 5Tb say – then I could use Myth in a slightly different way – where you let it record all sorts of stuff, some based on generic rules (every new pilot, every film with a > 2.5 star rating etc) and then weed out what’s worth watching at your leisure. But ultimately, and especially since I’m not buying silly amounts of disc, if you record at a faster rate than you watch then you’re always going to run out of space eventually.


Ship of Fools Sabbatical

I’m taking a break from the Ship of Fools, a website I’ve visited almost every day for about the past four years. Why? The short answer is that I don’t get much positive from it except to kill time, which isn’t that positive, especially when a lot of the time ‘killed’ is time I should be working – and I’ve started to feel like there’s a downside. Lately I’ve come away feeling slightly sad, vaguely upset and a little bit weary.

Before I delve into the long answer let me talk about what’s good about the Ship. The best thing about the Ship is that you can question any part of Christianity and be taken seriously. There are almost no taboos. If all you want from a forum is good rigorous debate then it’s hard to beat. Also it was the place I met M. It was the place that provided me with something of a sense of connection with others when I didn’t have that in real life.

However lately I’ve been noticing that I don’t get much out of it any more. I don’t think I ever felt the sense of community some do (I’ve had about a dozen PMs in those 4 years) and the little I did has gone. The very diversity of thought that is its strength has made the Ship a difficult place for someone, me, who doesn’t quite know what he believes. I fully accept that that’s my problem but I need to focus a little, maybe look at the conflicting traditions one by one. Establish a core of what I think and believe.

The biggest problem though is the attitudes of some of the posters (please note I said ‘some’). There’s a continual stream of low-level digs at Evangelicalism, and occasionally Charismaticism. It’s not unique to those groups but those are the ones I tend to notice, and feel more. I can sort of shrug it off, no big deal, but it makes me just a little tired, sad and angry. Since I don’t want to be feeling that I’m not reading the Ship for a while.


How Much Have I Changed, and Do They Hate Me For It?

So I joined Facebook last night and I…

No, wait, something else first. Something related. Introductory.

So I’d pretty much decided that this blog was going to be about reviews. Mostly movie reviews with some TV. Mostly bad movie reviews. Deliberate ambiguity there – they’d be mostly bad movies ‘cos most movies are bad a la Sturgeon’s Law (95% of anything is crap)[1] – but they’d probably be bad reviews too. A kind of a gimick.

I also thought maybe having a scoring system where the worse the movie the more words the review can have. A gimick too far? Perhaps.

So having decided the substance of my blog – Faith and Personal Stuff being ruled out because a) it’s gotta be about one thing and b) I’ve got hardly anything to say about Faith and far too much to say about Personal Stuff.

So I joined Facebook last night and I realised I had something to say about Faith.