It was my birthday on Friday and went out for a meal with M. We went to a chinese buffet place I like and I had 3 plates worth and 3 beers. Also, although I walked to and from the station (equivalent to my lunchtime walk when I’m at work) I didn’t take an exercise walk per se.
Despite this, I still lost a lot of weight this week. So much so that I wondered about my scales again. But I tested them against other scales and they seem fine. Also it’s been really hot this week-end. I suspect a lot of this loss is dehydration. Something I am remedying by drinking more. But not beer, or sugary drinks. Strictly diet squash.
Lost: 5lbs
Lost so far: 21lbs
Average Weekly Loss: 3.5lbs
Weight: 283.2lbs (20st 3lbs)