7 books reading Uncategorised

Seven Books – Day 4

Book: False Value
Page: 68
Which is: Peter confronts Jacob at SCC
Lead/Lag: -120
Time Spent: 4hours 26mins
Pages Remaining: 2016 (11% complete)
Favourite Character: Peter
Cool Moment: Nightingale sitting down at the next table
Quote: “‘Not librarians,’ he said. ‘The Librarians.’

Jacob/Stephen seems cool, I am intrigued to find out more about him.

Peter refers to almost being killed by a demon trap? Did I miss something? Was that from a previous book? (No. it’s in the next chapter)

The quote for today is because I’m not sure but it seems like “The Librarians” will be significant. With so pitiful a page count I didn’t have much to choose from.

7 books reading Uncategorised

Seven Books Challenge – day 2

Book: False Value
Page: 16
Which is: Peter starting work at SCC, beginning to investigate.
Lead/Lag: 18
Time Spent: 3hours 25mins
Pages Remaining: 2068 (9% complete)
Favourite Character: Khrisong
Cool Moment: The Doctor de-hypnotising Victoria
Quote: Not for the first time, Victoria’s well-developed lungs came to her rescue.

I choose Khrisong for favourite character to vary it from the Doctor and also because I liked the contrast of him being very stubborn but also brave and helpful once he was convinced.

I definitely enjoyed this book but I don’t have a lot to say about it. It hits a lot of the “typical” Classic Who tropes and I am intrigued to see the animated version when it gets released later this year.

So I’ve started False Value and I’ve even less to say about that yet. A bit intrigued as to whether Peter is genuinely out of the Met Police or just under cover. Also although I get that the names used by SCC are all Hitch-Hikers references, I wonder if there’s anything more to it than that. Like this place is supposed to be a cool tech company like Google and those places would certainly nod their head to geek culture but adopt a single source wholesale?


Fixing Broken Windows in an Empty House

So my blog was hacked. Yesterday, for the first time in months I went to look at something on it, and found that any links off the front page got re-directed to some spam site.

So I spent a fun couple of hours figuring out how to get it back up without the hack. Basically I restored from a backup, changed all the passwords etc and updated the software. I actually used the oldest back up I’ve got, which I could do because I haven’t updated this blog in months.

So I don’t know how I feel about that. It’s good that I could go back that far (the recent back ups were all infected). It’s good that I could just use a back up instead of tease out what was wrong with individual files. But it means this blog is mostly dead (ha! that was unintentional but…)

I don’t feel majorly bad that the blog was hacked. I didn’t lose any money or private information. It’s annoying and it only happened because I’ve not been looking after, or visiting this blog. It’s like a broken window in an abandoned house.

I keep thinking about using this blog more. It would be ideal for thoughts that are too long for Twitter or might seem confrontational if I addressed them to a specific audience on other social media platforms. I mean if you’re in a more discussion type environment and someone raises something that sparks a thought but you don’t want to make it an answer to that original comment lest it seem like you’re arguing with them (yes I’m a coward).

But is that enough? And isn’t that deflecting anyway. Saying something in a “hidden” place to avoid conflict, well you might as well not say it.

And is the age of blogs over? If you’re not already established then I don’t know if people are reading new blogs.

And I don’t want to start a podcast or a youtube channel. I haven’t got the face for one or the patience to create the other.

But maybe this space will get updates. Or maybe, with the best of intentions, I’ll forget and in 6 months I’ll be fixing the windows again instead of deciding to clear the site and move on.


New new (new!) Blog

(but not really)


I haven’t updated my blog in a while have I? I have meant to, at least in the last few weeks or so. See, I have had cause to think about posting thoughts in various places and then changed my mind (the reasons for this are probably worth a blog post in themselves). And I realised these thoughts were probably bests as as blog post, but…

I haven’t been able to do that because my blog didn’t exist for about a month.

See I “moved” and the blog wasn’t in the list of things I needed to getting working again right away. But now I have got it working – sort of.

Here we are with the default theme which looks OK, though I think I want to tweak it. Having imported the old posts, some of which look awful. It could all do with a tidy to be honest. Am I likely to go through old posts making them look good again? Probably not.

But at least if I feel the urge to post thoughts I can.

Watch this space for more.