
Harry Potter Re-Read – Day 3

Day 3, 1st July
Book: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (yay!)
Page: 96
Which is: Harry buying a wand
Lag: -89
Time Spent: 9.5 hours
Remaining pages: 3588
Estimated Completion: Wed 25th July
Favourite Character: Ronnie (Gun Seller)
Cool Moment: The final scene on the roof (Gun Seller)
Random Quote: He’s off ter the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world. Seven years there and he won’t know himself.

So I finished the Gun Seller. It was well worth a re-read.

Very funny, very likeable hero and a twisty-turny, but not too twisty-turny plot. The politics are a bit dated – though not hugely. I think I’m aware of that because I read Laurie had written a screenplay. I’d love to see a movie of The Gun Seller, but I think it’s probably going to need some updating.

And now, finally, (funny to say finally after only 3 days), on to Harry Potter. My memory is that I struggled a little to find this book interesting. This time around I can’t put it down. I am drawn in by all the scene setting and background exposition stuff. It’s fun to notice all the little references you wouldn’t have known about before. Hagrid borrows the motorbike he flies on from ‘young Sirius Black’.

On the challenge generally, I’m finding it tough. I enjoy the reading when I get down to it but “pottering around” (‘scuse the pun) takes up far more time than I realised. I got up at 11:15 today (I was reading til 3) and didn’t start reading until about 20 minutes ago. I read for a few minutes and then remembered I needed to blog. I was hoping to get 2 hours in before 3 and then go to the shop. I’m not worried about not making the target for today, but I do worry that I won’t be ahead as much as I’d like. It feels like Harry Potter is an easier read but my average pages/hour stubbornly stays below 50. Which means 3-4hours a day.

Oh well it is supposed to be a challenge.


Starting a Tradition – Dr Who Finale

So this time last year I posted a little piece on the Doctor Who Season 2 Finale. I just watched the Season 3 finale a few hours ago. It was OK, but it was RTD over-egging the emotional pudding again. Anyway I hadn’t planned to but someone on the Ship of Fools Dr Who thread asked for a summary of the episode. So here’s my less-than-serious take on this year’s end of season show:

Can someone give me a quick summary?

Hmm let’s see.

A year has passed since last week (seems about right in terms of the wait) and Martha has been walking the earth, much in the style of Kung Fu but with less martial arts and annoying little morals.

She’s back in England now where she meets a handsome doctor – a different one. Anyway they go off together to find adventure and mad scientists.

Meanwhile back onboard S.S. How-the-hell-does-it-just-float-there? Martha’s entire family is playing servant to the Master and Jack is indulging in a little light bondage with the naughty henchmen (I was going to say evil henchmen but well…)

Martha, Doctor Two and a nice lady scientist capture a toclafane and discover its secret – they’re those future humans from a couple of weeks ago. Happiness may be a warm gun, but Utopia apparently is being a dis-embodied head in a metal football.

The Master turns the doctor into a House-Elf and puts him in a little cage by his desk. Whatever floats your boat I guess…

Martha journeys on to a dingy flat in London where she spreads the gospel of Doctorness to the huddled masses. Well the huddled dozen.

However she’s betrayed by the lady scientist and taken back to the HQ of all things Masterly. His Masterfulness explains that in the past year he’s built a fleet of Thunderbirds rockets and is going to launch them to attack some unspecified part of the universe via black holes. Or maybe it’s the black holes he’s attacking – not quite sure. Bad black holes.

Martha is brave and laughs in the face of death and in the ankles of John Simm. Not getting the joke he becomes annoyed. Martha explains she’s organised a World-Wide Day of Prayer for the Overthrow of Evil Timelords. A little chanting, a little manipulating of the Archangel telepathic network and the Doctor turns from House-Elf into a combination of Christ, Harry Potter and Willow from Buffy in full-on glowy floaty power mode. Mostly he turns back into David Tennant and out of sheer relief at not having to wear the old makeup announces that he forgives the Master. If you thought he was annoyed before, forgiving him just makes him tetchy.

Jack shoots up the Tardis a bit to get rid of the nasty redness causing the Paradox and that turns back time (Cher would be so pleased) to last week/year.

In all the confusion Martha’s mum grabs a gun and fails to shoot the Master. Fortunately his wife does it instead. Despite being held by the Doctor and receiving a speech that Romeo would think a bit much he dies out of spite. The Doctor is naturally peeved by this but cheers himself up by re-enacting that bit from Return of the Jedi and burns the body on a big pile of wood.

So that’s it. No more Master. Dead and gone. There was some mysterious woman with dodgy red nails picking up some ring from the ashes but I’m sure that’s not at all significant and hardly worth mentioning.

The Doctor and Martha dump Captain Jack back in Cardiff in order to set up the next series of Torchwood. Turns out he’s the Face of Boe. Or will be if he moisturises for the next 5 billion years.

Martha finally decides if she can’t join the Doctor she’d better be one and goes back to her normal life. Not before leaving her mobile with his Tennantness and telling him to call. Subtle eh?

So the Doctor is once again alone. Shrugging he leaves to wander the universe by himself. Or he would if at that moment the Tardis wasn’t hit by a bloody great boat. Told you that was no iceberg…

I may have missed a bit. Certainly there was at least twenty minutes of sentimental crap but then it’s R.T. Davies doing a Doctor Who finale. At least it was better than last year.

What’s the betting that right now there are merchandising folks preparing Doctor-as-house-elf dolls. I’d buy one, he looked kinda cute.


So I guess see you this time next year… We now return you to your regular scheduled Potterness.


Day 2

Day 2, 30th June
Book: The Gun Seller
Page: 133
Lag: -219
Time spent: 3.5 hours
Remaining pages: 3899
Estimated Completion: Mon 27th Aug
Favourite Character: Lang
Cool moment: Lang in the gallery

OK. Don’t panic. Yes I’m further behind but I was expecting that. I only managed an hour last night. What’s slightly more worrying is that I’m only averaging less than 40 pages/hour. I guess that might be because I’m tired. All the more reason to make sure I don’t miss the lunchtime slots.

I am enjoying the book. It’s more violent than I remember. Having said I deliberately chose a ‘boy’s book’ I should say I don’t normally read thrillers or crime novels. I bought it originally for the author. But the humour keeps me going. One of the questions that keeps coming back to Lang is “Are you a good man?” He just killed 3 people escaping a kidnap.  Oh and a character has just been introduced who will become my favourite character if I remember her correctly. Although I’m hoping by the time I write again that I’ll be on to Harry Potter.


Am I Crazy – Day 1

Day 1, 29th June
Current Book: The Gun Seller
Current Page: 96
Cumulative Pages Read So Far:  96
Current Lag/Lead on target: -80
Date of Completion based on current reading rate:  Thurs 9th August
Current Favourite Character:  Thomas Lang
Current Favourite moment: O’Neal’s Office, Lang not ‘playing the game’
Random Quote:  ‘She tasted of toothpaste, and wine, and perfume, and heaven on a nice day.’

So after one day I’m well behind (and I just spent another hour fiddling with the spreadsheet – gotta stop doing that!!). But remember it’s supposed to be fun and we’ve got the weekend!

I’m remembering why I like this book.

I picked it because, to be honest, I wanted a boy’s book for a change, and I remembered that I liked it. Given that it’s 10 years since I read it I couldn’t remember why. Now I do – Lang. He’s a great hero. Funny. He’s just started to fall for Sarah Woolf, which even without remembering the plot you can tell is a bad idea. The plot revolves around internation arms dealers and terrorism. It’s pre-9/11 and it shows but that’s ok.


Am I Crazy?

The other day I finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (thoroughly enjoyed it, favourite one so far). I’d planned to finish it before book 7, due out 21st July. So I wondered if it would be possible to re-read all 6 books in order before then. Oh and the Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie which I’m leading a discussion of for the Ship of Fools book group.

Maybe I’m crazy but I’m going to try.

The method in my madness is to track my daily page count. This is how I did it earlier in the year when I read Order of the Phoenix and We Need to Talk About Kevin (another book group read) in three weeks.

I’m not a particularly fast reader but I have a lot of free time. I don’t go out much and I live alone. If I choose to I can read easily manage a couple of hours reading a day and much more at weekends.

Well I could, but most often don’t. But the page count targets help me keep focussed.

OK, so how’s it going to work? Well I have 23 days (I started yesterday) to read 4,032 pages. Which means I need to read 176 pages a day. I tend to average 60pages an hour on the Harry Potter books. So that’s 3 hours a day. Which sounds a lot but don’t forget I have two weekends where I can probably get a lot more done and be ahead of the game. Also, I have been reading in my lunch hour. So I really only need to manage a couple of hours on a work night. Which requires some focus – no sitting down thinking I’ll watch 5 minutes of TV and looking at my watch an hour and a half later – but is doable.

There is at least one evening I won’t be able to do much reading – Thursday 12th July – that’s the day the Order of the Phoenix movie comes out. I should be in the middle of that book by then. I’ve calculated I’d need to average 225 pages a day to finish it before then so I may not manage that. But we’ll see.

I’m committing myself to updating the blog once a day with a few thoughts on the reading so far. This should take no more than 20 minutes and should give some summary statistics – current book, page, culmulative count so far, lag/lead on target.

I’ll do my inaugural ‘thoughts’ post in a moment based on yesterday’s reading, but I’ll just note that I only managed 96 pages yesterday and I forwent my lunchtime reading for the creation of a natty little spreadsheet that helps me track my progress. Basically I enter the page number of the current book and it shows where I am versus where I need to be. I need to be careful not to get distracted by stuff like that. I have books 3 & 4 as ebooks and I found myself thinking that I could adapt an open source conversion program to make a Linux ebook viewer. Or I could not waste reading time and read them in Windows!

By now you’re probably thinking I’m taking this way too seriously. But I’m not really I’m just a bit geeky/anal about this kind of thing. I’ll try to keep remembering it’s supposed to be fun!


What I’ve Got to Say

No comments? Fair enough.

Following on from last night’s post, I reviewed my entire blog, counted the posts and put them into categories. The categories are – God stuff, Computers, Writing, Reviews and Inane Ramblings (i.e. everything else).

In over 4 years (I started in Feb ’03) I’ve made 92 posts – an average of 21 a year or 1.75 a month. Low bandwidth.

In reverse order of popularity we have

  • 5 posts on ‘God Stuff’
  • 11 each on Computers and Writing (7 of the computers ones are recent MythTV posts)
  • 20 Reviews (though not one since Feb this year and oh, August before that)
  • 45 Rambling Inanities

So if that is some measure of what I’ve got to say then I should pick Reviews of my two front-runners. That surprised me a little. I was leaning toward God as the One Topic to Rule them All.

But do I simply want to go with something because I can? Do I really want that which will be more read over that which I wish to say?

Still mulling.


The Unbearable Shiteness of Blogging

I’m thinking about re-launching my blog. Ever since I quoted that thing from the screenplay blog a while ago I’ve been considering how I can make my blog better and better-read (more the later if I’m really honest).

A few random points

  • unless you’re already well-known or have a large circle of friends, acquaintances or people interested in what you think, it’s easier to get readership if you focus on a single theme or topic.
  • e.g. M. has a blog. It’s about knitting. Other knitters read it. Oh and…
  • pictures don’t hurt.
  • M. tells me she has worked hard to ‘promote’ her blog. Which mainly consists of posting on other knitting blogs.
  • shorter posts probably better
  • whilst the allure of blogging for the writer maybe be quickly knocking off a piece, to the reader the usual criteria apply – so worth taking some time to make it well written if possible

So I’ve been mulling these and other thoughts over for the last few weeks. I’d pretty much decided that as well as some promoting and better, leaner writing I would re-launch the blog as mainly being about X, where X is… Well what should X be? Options are:

  1. Writing
  2. Reviews (mainly films but maybe books and TV too)
  3. God Stuff
  4. Computers

Let’s rule out 1. on the basis that a) I have another blog for actual writings and if I want to write about writing… well I don’t really.

Of the rest – I discussed this with M. a while and she said she enjoyed reading my film reviews because she could relate to them (as opposed to the computer stuff which is not her thing). The God Stuff might be easier to promote as the main place I post is on Ship of Fools. Computers, though easy for me to blog about is also easiest to drop. I’m not doing anything particularly cutting edge and it seems to be the topic where I’m most easily given to expanding amounts of verbiage.

So what do you think, O long-suffering blog-readers? Not saying this is a binding vote but if you have any comments on the kinds of things that make you want to read a blog, stuff you’ve read here that you enjoyed, or elsewher – then let me know. I’ll certainly appreciate it.


‘…and it only took 5 months!’

On 20th Dec 2006 I officially moved into to my new house. Today, 22nd May 2007, a mere five months later, those nice people at Tiscali connected my broadband.

Some other time I will rant about this, about why it took a certain phone/internet provider so long to free up my phone line. But today I am just happy.


3 Kinds of TV?

A couple of lunchtime thoughts led to an idea for a blog post:

Thought 1: “I enjoyed What About Brian? last night but it’s not turning out to be must-see TV which I thought it might. It’s kind of a soap with jokes.”

Thought 2: “Hmm, most TV is either soapy or procedural. Or a sitcom. Or a combination of the three.”

So, can most TV be categorised as either Soap, Sit-Com or Procedural?

I guess I mean fictional TV since there’s news, sports and documentaries that don’t fit that. Now that I think about it you have to exclude TV movies, one-off dramas and mini-series as well. Though they sort of fit a fourth category – (Melo)drama.

But in terms of on-going series – hourly or half-hourly regular fictional programs, I think most hit my 3 or combination of the same. What do I mean by these three terms:

Sitcom: Primary purpose is to amuse, to make jokes. Value is obvious – everyone likes to laugh.

Procedural: Cop/lawyer/doctor/forensic shows are the obvious, but not only, examples. Problem(s) and/or Mystery(s) is defined, explained and resolved. Value is in the sense of closure.

Soap: On-going story lines using, and hopefully developing, the same characters. Value is that investment with story and characters is greater and so pay-offs can be bigger. Sense of attachment to characters, caring about their problems and triumphs, is greater IF characters are developed.

Soaps divide into real (or traditional) soaps and pseudo- soaps. The former tend to be plot-driven and the “churn” rate for both storylines and characters is so high that it tends to be unrealistic. A character that lasts any length of time in a real soap will have been through any number of relationships, breakups and dramatic life-events. So much that you hardly recognise who they are. Pseudo-soaps tend to have less episodes than real ones – they’re not on year round and have only one episode per week when they are. They can still be plot-driven but have the space to be character-driven because the “churn” is slower.

Seems to me that in the old days there was a strict divide between Sitcom and Procedural, and Soap. The former two had to reset at the end of every episode, which allowed for out of context, out of order viewing (popular with schedulers). However now most shows are mixtures. Desperate Housewives is basically a sitcom-ish, plot-driven pseudo-soap. Bones is procedural with on-going elements and character development.

It’s tempting to think our favourite shows aren’t so easily categorisable but I think they are. Buffy, for example, started out as a procedural – find and kill/stop the monster of the week – it grew into more plot-driven soap – season long story “arcs” – and always kept developing the characters. Of course there was always a strong strand of humour, and outright sitcom episodes in some cases.

I don’t know how profound all this is. Like many before me I’ve probably just created a classification system and squeezed everything I can think of into it, without really explaining anything.

Anyway that’s what I was thinking about at lunchtime. 


A Few Catch-Ups

I successfully sold my ebay items, got positive feedback and came out about £70 ahead after expenses. Result! However I’m not sure I’m about to start an ebay business just yet. There are a few items about the house that I’ve been eyeing up but… Honestly the thing you realise pretty quickly is that it’s time consuming. In terms of a time spent versus reward situation you want to sell a few high price items ideally.

I took a different plunge the other day and deleted 50 (my rough guess was actually correct) Dawson’s Creek episodes, some on the PVR, some on the MythTV box. I figured that I’ve watched them once and I’m really not that big a fan so I’ll probably never catch up. I feel free!! We’re in the run up to the final episodes so I’ll re-watch those. I’ve already watched the one that got recorded since the big delete.

Which is only 1 but should’ve been 2. MythTV crashed again – which is becoming annoying. Fixing the underlying problem might not be possible until I get my broadband connection but the crashes are identifiable so I’ve set up a scheduled job that checks for them and reboots if necessary. Not elegant but should stop me losing recordings.

Still considering how to make the blog more readable. Would probably mean sticking to one topic which I’m slightly loathed to do. Being brief would be better though.

Anyway – that’s my “catch-ups”, now I feel free to post a new though.