
Writing to avoid Writing

It’s a fatal mistake for me to ever tell someone of my plans. It invariably means it’ll be something I fail to do and then feel embarrassed about. Whether it’s “I’m going to learn a musical instrument” or “I’m going to be in bed before X from now on”.

This time it was “I’m going to use the time I stay late at work to write”. Spoken confidently to M. a few days ago.

See, several things in my life have conspired to make me a habitual late-stayer at work:

o My flat is untidy and depressing. A much bigger topic. But remember all the “tidying for the gasman” stuff? Not just a metaphor. Hence, time spent away from flat is often nicer.

o My neighbour is noisy. My upstairs neighbour makes a lot of noise. Or that is she makes what is probably a reasonable amount of noise, but given that I can hear her footsteps when she’s simply walking around I think the problem is not so much her as the acoustics and thinness of my ceiling/her floors. Whatever. I hear lots of noise when she’s in and it’s annoying. (So just to recap – the flat untidy and noisy, generally not a restful place to be. Work on the other hand is quiet and I have the internet.)

o I often start work late. The observant among you, which I know is none, could have put together a rough pattern of my lifestyle based on this blog. It includes often quite long conversations with M. at the end of (nearly every) day. Since we both have lives – well she has, I fake one – these conversations often start late and stretch into the early hours. Now I can offset this to some extent because my hours at work are somewhat flexible. Officially they’re 9-5:30. Unofficially, no-one seems to mind that I often arrive later because I nearly always stay later*.

o Im often tired. Even with some late-to-work offsetting the late nights catch up with me. This often leads to a late afternoon “I’ll go home as soon as I can be bothered to drag myself up from this chair” lethargy**.

So upto now I’m mostly just read stuff on the internet. SoF, various blogs etc. However it occurred to me I could use the time to write. And if you check my posting times lately that’ll bear that out. However I’ve written blogs entries and forum postings, but not much of my own fiction***. Hence the idea. Hence the statement to M. Hence the new resolve. Hence the embarrassing reality.

But I’m not giving up, just recognising, with a wry**** smile, that I haven’t kept to what I said.

I also gee-ed myself up this lunchtime with some good ideas to get my life more on the track I want it to be. I came back to the office inspired. I wrote up a list of things to do and things to keep in mind. A few of them were to do with writing (at least one was to do with finding somewhere else to live). I even just wrote a list of ideas/projects in my Other Blog. Then I wrote about 200 words of free-association stuff just to get me writing something. Perhaps unsurprisingling it was a mixture of stuff I’d been thinking about (my mum’s birthday) and stuff I’ve been reading (Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith). It hasn’t, so far anyway, lead to ideas about what else to write.

So to fill in the time (otherwise I’d have to go home to the mess and the neighbour) I’m writing here. Writing to avoid writing.

Could be worse. Ho, and as it goes, hum.

(*OK, so about now some smart-alec has spotted the flaw in my logic. If I stay later to make up for coming in later, shouldn’t the extra time be spent working and not reading the web or writing? Two answers to that 1) well the inertia of lethargy***** means I stay later than I need to make up for and 2) who are you anyway? my boss? give a guy a break!)

(**OK, OK! A guy can have two flaws in his logic can’t he? So feeling tired and lethargic doesn’t exactly lend itself to being productive writing wise – but see I have a plan for that too. You thought the “I’ll go to bed before X” was just an example didn’t you? )

(***Unless you consider this blog a fiction. I guess it is. At least in the sense that all recollection is inherently unreliable and I’m not even trying to be impartial. I am therefore constructing a version of a narrative which only tangentially bears relation to what I euphemistically call my “real life”******)

(****but not terse, that would be weird)

(*****But if you’re lethargic, won’t…? Hang on we did this one already. Look quit with the footnotes. It’s too confusing.)

(******See I can make it sound quite interesting but it’s still work avoidance. This rambling is all well and good but it ain’t getting my best-selling novel, on which I can retire to a lap of luxury*******, written)

(*******Actually I think I’d like to retire to the lap of M. She can have all the money and keep me in the luxury of her lap.)

So enough with the Pratchettesque footnotes********. Somewhere there’s an ASDA ready meal with my name on it and my neighbour might just have settled down enough for me to consider watching a bit of TV.

(********They are kind of addictive though.)


Richard Curtis Redux

(The problem with yet another blog is the pressure to post. Actually that may be a good thing.)

So I spent a pleasant evening last night with M. We had a meal out in London, bumped into a Bollywood film being made in Trafalgar Square and walked around a lot looking for a place to have coffee. (Did you know there are parts of London that shut down at around 10pm. That just seems wrong somehow.)

But this is not about any of that. I did have a conversation with M. about what it is about. I told her she was getting a world-exclusive sneak preview of my next blog entry.

Naturally she was deeply impressed.

On Monday (Bank Holiday) I watched Love Actually again. I think it’s only the second time I’ve watched it. I bought the DVD, confident that the creator of Notting Hill and Four Weddings and a Funeral would have something fun for a romcom addict like me. I was a little under-whelmed. If you don’t already know, Love Actually follows about 8 or 9 loosely connected love stories happening near Christmas in London. That’s probably 5 or 6 too many for me. At least that was my conclusion when I first watched it. Life finds me (possibly temporarily) more cynical about love at the moment (so why was I watching? good question. dunno) and I think for once I agreed with a lot of Curtis’ other critics, that it’s all a little too saccharine.

But this isn’t even really about my view of the film either. In the DVD extras Curtis recounts how he came up with the idea for the film. He said that it takes him about 3 years to complete a film project and that he generally wrote romcoms but wanted to do other stuff too. Given that he had several ideas for romcoms he realised that if they all took 3 years he’d possibly spend the rest of his life doing only that so he wondered about combining all the stories in one film.

The reason this caught my attention was because there’s one story in particular, which sums up the romcom, certainly the Curtis romcom. An early twenties bloke is fed up with his lack of success in getting a woman. He declares to his friend that he’ll go to America where his ‘cute’ British accent will assure him lots of dates. His friend tells him he’s crazy. He goes to America – to Wisconsin – walks into the first random bar he finds and meets 4 (actually 5) beautiful, friendly women who all love his accent. They invite him home to their tiny appartment where they all have to share a bed (cos the apartment’s so small) where they all get naked (cos they are so poor they can’t afford clothes).

Now obviously this is not in the slightest to be taken seriously, but look at the structure: attractive, but slightly nerdish (i.e. ‘everyman’), guy desires love. There’s an obstacle (he’s not in America). He makes a grand bold romantic gesture (he goes to America). Result: everything works out and he gets the girl(s) (who’s implausibly more beautiful than someone who would go for him in real life would be). It’s like a compressed version of an awful lot of romcoms. An awful lot of awful romcoms especially.

It’s that thing I talked about in my review of The Girl in the Cafe – making the implausible feel possible in order to create a feel-good movie. However here the compression of the story simply highlights the implausibility so Curtis makes the very implausibility his vehicle for humour (Douglas Adams would be proud*). Which works but also shows up the strings in the puppet theatre (or something like that with a less hackneyed metaphor).

And I think that that trade-off – swapping plausibility for humour – is a dangerous one to make in a romcom. There are always funny movies but to make a great romcom we’ve got to believe in the happy ending and to do that we have to believe in the happy ending.

Maybe that’s why I like his other movies better. They give more time to one story and that’s more time to fool me into believing.

(*do I have to explain that reference? Check my blog I think I’ve mentioned it before.)


Fourth Blog

I’ve just created a new blog – exclusively for writing (and possibly discussions of writing). It’s my “Wry Terse”* blog and it’s here.

This is actually now my fourth blog. My original was on Blogger and used some variation on the Shuggie name. I cannot now remember and the email address under which I registered no longer exists. A shame, there were posts on there I’d enjoy reading again. A quite amusing one on nursing a hangover if I recall.

My second blog was this one. I started it because I heard that LiveJournal have “communities”. The Buffy usenet newsgroup I used to inhabit was dwindling and one of the participants said most of his Buffy-related discussion was on LiveJournal. I’ve seen that happen but it hasn’t happened to me. I guess I didn’t publicize my blog very well or make it comment-worthy. Still working on that one. So it’s very much a blog and not a focus for discussion. Still I have SoF and the newsgroups for that.

Blog the third was one I didn’t explicitly sign up for. I signed up for the new incarnation of the Church of Fools, St. Pixels, and their new site gives every user a blog. I posted on it a few times, mostly about my spiritual state and my experiences with the CoF. Haven’t posted there for a while. It’s ok but I never really fit in that community (there actually is one there) and the site, which was built with bespoke tools, is a bit rough and ready. It’s here if you want to see.

So now we have Wry Terse, a place to stick stuff I write where people can comment on it. I’m on a writer’s sub-board on SoF and someone there uses a blog for her novel. Struck me as a very good idea.

This is getting like email addresses. I have about five of those (only 3 that are really active I s’pose).

Blog Five, if it even comes into being will be the blog of a made-up character, written in real-time, though probably not in relation to current events. We’ll see. 4 blogs is enough for now.

(*yes I know, but I needed a name)


He rambled on…

Wow. Look at how many words it took me to tell a relatively simple story. Well, ok, it was a simple story about a complicated upgrade. The complexity was the point.

Still I’m left feeling that I could have written a more readable entry by writing all that and then editting it afterwards. Given that it took probably the best part of 4 hours to write those two posts, it’s a little dis-spiriting. I mean this is not supposed to be proper writing per se, it’s supposed to be quick’n’dirty blogging, getting the opinions down quickly. If the quick’n’dirty is slow and needs editting to be readable I guess it means I need to spend more time on writing than I currently am.

Which is fine. Just sobering.


Installment 2 (as promised)

Where were we? Oh yes:

“So… long and short of it is: I want to do something, but the program doesn’t do it. I’m stuffed aren’t I?”

The thing about open source is that there’s usually a later version than the stable one. There may be more than one. Often there’s “stable”, “testing” and “CVS” (or “SVN”) – where the later isn’t a packaged version but access to the latest source in the source code repository system. So often on help fora etc you’ll see developers say things like “Oh yes that’s a bug. It’s fixed in the CVS version.” If you’re a hapless user without the ability to compile the latest CVS then it’s a bit of a show-stopper unless you can find someone to compile it for you.

Now I’m not quite in that boat. I know enough C to get by and enough C++ to be able to read it. I know how to compile. So I thought I’d have a go at the latest SVN version, hoping that the changes I needed were in there. Unfortunately the compilation instructions are rather terse and include this sentence:

“Trunk SVN admin directory needs QT4, so make sure you’ll downgrade kde 3.5 admin directory”

What follows is svn syntax to check out the relevant code from the repository. Now I must admit to misreading this. If the svn command had worked on my system – it didn’t I suspect SVN uses a blocked port on my work’s network – then I’d have probably not have made the mistake I did. However I read the above as meaning “The version of kmobiletools from SVN needs QT4”. I was nervous about this but I had a google around and found out that it was possible to have 2 non-conflicting versions on QT on a machine. So I downloaded the source to the latest QT 4.x and built it. I installed it in a directory where it wasn’t going to get picked up accidentally by my existing KDE stuff and tried to compile kmobiletools.

I kept getting an error from configure about QT:

configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!
For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.
Make sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!

This confused me because I was sure I needed QT4. I mustn’t have installed it with thread support. So I checked the compilation of QT – but I couldn’t find an option to enable/disable threading (possibly this isn’t possible now. Possibly it’s always threaded now).

More curiously configure worked ok when I didn’t try to point it at the QT4 files. But then the compile failed. Looking back the penny really should have dropped at this point but instead I persisted. I tried different combinations of configure options. I tried building on a Suse 10.1 vmware VM. It just didn’t work.

I should probably point out that during this process I’d “given up” a couple of times. But I kept coming back to it.

Anyway. The compile error, if I configured using the default QT3.3 were:

smspart.cpp:155: error: `setDisabled' undeclared (first use this function)

I figured I just wasn’t picking up the right version of some header file. It doesn’t help that we’re not only talking about QT but KDE libraries and header files too. As I think I said, Suse 9.3 had KDE 3.4. Now to cut to the chase, and avoid an installment 3, I’ll tell you what’s wrong here. Line 155 of smspart.cpp contains reference to copy->setDisabled where copy is defined as a KAction. I finally googled for this and found that this attribute of KAction only exists in KDE 3.5 and upward. So it wasn’t my version of QT that was wrong it was my version of KDE. So

“Trunk SVN admin directory needs QT4, so make sure you’ll downgrade kde 3.5 admin directory”

meant more or less the opposite to what I’d read it to mean. It means something like “Since KDE admin in KDE 3.5 needs QT4 and we don’t we need to downgrade that particular directory to one that’ll use QT3”.

So basically, I now know – I think – how to build kmobiletools. I’d need to

– download and build enough of KDE 3.5 to allow the building of kmobiletools.

Or in other words – the “k” is not there for nothing.

Now back in the day, I compiled the whole of KDE from scratch. (KDE 1.something) However I didn’t really fancy doing that. I fancied even less trying to pick apart which bits of KDE I need. Not to mention that I already have KDE installed. Was I going to uninstall it? Try to have an alternate KDE 3.5 alongside my 3.4 – that seems trickier than having QT4 alongside QT3. I realised that if I was going to do anything it would be:

1. uninstall kde 3.4
2. build and install kde 3.5 – just the base and libraries at first
3. attempt to build kmobiletools from SVN
4. if 3. fails, install and build a bit more of KDE 3.5 and repeat

This is somewhat tedious – but knowing me I’d probably go for it except that this is my work machine and I don’t want to mess it up too much. If I have to go back to stock 9.3 and restore from a backup my data it’ll be even more tedious.

And all this in the mere hope that it’d work better with my phone.

Ok I’ve told this out of order slightly. I discovered that there’s two kmobiletools websites. The original one, that I was looking at, and the new one, which was more up to date. The new one had the same howto on building from SVN but it also had a packaged version of source for 0.5beta1 – i.e. a new version which should compile. I tried again and failed with the same setDisabled error. It was actually at this point I discovered that I needed KDE 3.5 and not QT4 etc. However what was also on the new website was an ISO image for a live CD that had everything you need to run kmobiletools 05beta1 from.

Now this is a really good idea. It means I can download it, burn it and get to see it running with my phone without doing anything drastic – like the plan above. So I did. I ‘wasted’ a CD-R – but what’s that compared to the waste of my time?

Well the results were less than inspiring. Oh first of all the live CD uses Slax, which I like but which doesn’t work with my LCD display. I actually plugged in a CRT monitor from another machine because I wasn’t going to look into that as well. The new 0.5beta1 works better with my phone in that I could unplug and replug without a reboot (though I think that’s partly a kernel issue so I’d need a kernel upgrade too). It’s a redesign with an interface that looks a bit like a webpage. I didn’t like it much but it’s jsut aesthetics. They’ve separated out the outgoing from the incoming so I wouldn’t see the ‘conversation’ together, I’d have to keep clicking between the two lists. Which is moot because I still can’t store-and-send like I’d need to.

So after all that it doesn’t really fix the things I really want fixed.


So, I titled this originally, “What I hate about Linux”. What do I hate about this? I guess it’s the hassle involved in resolving dependencies that are so entwined in your system that what seems like a small change (new version of a program), becomes a big exercise. I guess I sort of feel like this stuff doesn’t happen so much on Windows – is that true/fair?

I guess the main difference is that I’d be downloading a pre-compiled binary. I’d only be downloading a new version if one had been compiled. Each version would likely have bigger changes and there’d likely be longer gaps between the releases. I might also be paying money.

So if “WinMobiletools” 1.0 didn’t work I’d probably not have a testing/svn/beta version to try. And it’s possible that by the time 2.0 was released, if it co-incided with a new release of Windows, I wouldn’t be able to use it without upgrading that too.

Still none of that changes the perception that it’s more hassle.

Having said all that kmobiletools does 85% of the job I want/need it to do and the other 15% is mostly annoyance. I am very grateful to the people that have written it, figured out all the awkward, fiddly, complicated protocol stuff and produced something that’s eminently useful.


What I hate about Linux

Ok so do you remember, oh (looks it up) last October, I mentioned that I might blog about dropping Windows and almost going back within a week? Well I never got around to blogging about it and I’ve forgotten a lot of the details now. However something similar has happened over the last two days so I’ll tell you about that instead.

OK. So what you need to know is that at work (from whence (whence? is that right?) I am writing this now) I run Suse 9.3. Which in case you don’t know is a type (or distribution, ‘distro’) of Linux OS. (Though to be fair if you don’t know that you’ll probably find this whole post boring.) If you do know something about Linux you’ll know that 9.3 is a bit long in the tooth. In fact I got this PC just under a year ago and initially installed Suse 10.0 – which I quickly uninstalled and installed 9.3 instead. But the reasons I run Suse are:

– I’ve used previous versions of Suse and liked it

– it’s RPM-based

the reason for running 9.3 are:

– it has gcc 3.3.5 (i.e. not 4.x)

– the desktop search tool, beagle, in 10.0 seemed to slow it down unnecessarily (they’ve probably fixed that in 10.1)

The RPM and gcc version things ae things that I need for work. OK, not need, but makes my life much easier. So 9.3 is a good fit, if a bit old.

Now, M. and I have been exchanging a lot of mobile phone texts lately. Which is all good and lovely and lots of fun – as any communication with M. tends to be. However I hate typing anything longer than ‘Yes’ on a phone. Predictive texting is all well and good but my typing skills on a real keyboard beat that any day. M. loves to text. And she does it fast. You should see that thumb fly. Nice for her. Not so for me.

So, thinks I, I’ll see if there’s a program for Linux I can use on the PC – to type the words on the PC but send them through the phone. And there is, it’s called ‘kmobiletools’. Kmobiletools is pretty cool. It does more than just texting – it’ll sync contacts and allow you to make and receive calls from the PC – but texting’s what I use it for. For which it works well. Sorta.

See I’ve been using it for a while and the version I use – – is the latest ‘stable’ version. It has a couple of quirks. One is that you can’t always get it to send two texts to the same number in a row. I get around this because, for reasons I don’t know, I have two entries for M.’s mobile on my phone. One that starts 07…, the other that starts +447… (+44 is the international code for the UK). So I can alternate between the two and that seems to work ok.

Quirk number three is that it really doesn’t like me unplugging the phone. I connect via a USB cable and no matter what order I do it in (close the program, unplug the phone) I seem to get problems. In fact I get a kernel module crash which means I have to reboot the PC. This is annoying but I can live with rebooting a couple of times a day.

The most annyoing quirk, and the subject of this post (how did I write so much and only now get to my point? oops), is quirk the second – which is: it doesn’t save outgoing texts. In theory, kmobiletools uses the phone to send texts and should leave a copy in the outbox on my phone, which I can then read through kmobiletools. This is cool because I can then read incoming and outgoing together and see the full ‘conversation’. Or I could if it actually saved the texts. It doesn’t.

I suspect the problem is that my phone is newish and whilst it works, they’re using a communication protocol that’s more compatible with an older model and mine just ‘mostly works’.

Actually what it’s doing is correct because I’m using the ‘send immediate’ function which is supposed to do exactly what I’ve described – send a text right now, leaving no entry on the phone. The feature that should give me what I want is the ‘Store’ one which stores the text in the phone’s outbox, re-reads the phone’s list of texts, then offers to send the one in the outbox. Which is fine but my phone doesn’t find the text when the list is re-read. Which means it doesn’t get sent. At least it doesn’t get sent by the program but according to the phone it’s in a status of “sending”. Which can mean it never goes, gets sent twice. It’s been so unpredictable that I don’t use it. I use the send now, but sacrifice being able to see my old messages.

Does this matter? Well on one level it’s a moot point. Computers should do what we want them to. Admitting failure to a computer is one of my bug-bears and I go to great lengths to avoid it. Apart from that though it is useful. If you’ve ever carried out a conversation via texts you’ll know that you can sometimes have gaps when one of you is too busy to reply straight away. My memory’s not the greatest and working out what a text means that’s a follow on to something I said half an hour ago can be tricky.

So… long and short of it is: I want to do something, but the program doesn’t do it. I’m stuffed aren’t I?

Not quite – but it might be better if I was.

Ooops! Just saw the time. I need to catch ASDA before they close. I’ll post an “installment 2” later.


Good Stuff

So there’s been a lotta talk, maybe too much talk*, about “Major Stuff”. Well that’s all well and good because if it hadn’t needed talking about it wouldn’t be major. I just wanted to counter that, or compliment it not sure which, with some “Good Stuff”.

Just spent a wonderful weekend with M. It was really nice. We got on really well and had fun. She’s moved closer to where I live and I went to see her in her new home. Went over for a meal Friday and ended up staying the weekend.

Oh and I deleted the playlist. Time to forget.

(*thank you Bono)



Since I can’t (well technically won’t) tell you exactly what ‘major stuff’ is, I’ve come up with this wheeze instead. Ladies and Gentlemen, here is my personal angst as expressed through my current iPod playlist:

1. “FUN”

An answering machine message suggesting it might be fun to talk. I keep it because it has warm memories associated.

2. H-A-T-R-E-D – Tonio K

A song about anger at being dumped. Gloriously over the top but essentially comic. After wishing “I hope you wind up in the ground” it ends with “but then again, maybe with the proper counseling, we can work this out”

3. Hallelujah – Leonard Cohen

There are many versions of this song (I’ve got a whole album of covers of it). The original is still the best. A melancholic and yet heart-felt cry of prayer to God.

There’s a blaze of light
In every word
It doesn’t matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah

4. I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For (Rattle ‘n’ Hum live version)

Expresses the yearning for something better, spiritually and in life generally.

It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone

5. Nomah’s Land – Metisse (TV clip from Dead Like Me)

A man rails angrily at God over beautiful but sorrowful instrumental music.

6. Pardon Me For Living – Tonio K

One of Tonio K’s best and possibly my favourite song. It’s an expression of frustration at not being able to cope with life

I don’t know what you want, don’t know what you believe
I don’t know how to act anymore
or how long I can keep juggling

7. Pardon Me For Living – Tonio K

Told you it was a favourite.

Can’t I just confess and be forgiven?
Guilty of the grievous crime of human imperfection
pardon me
pardon me for living

8. Perfect World – Alias (snippet from a movie version)

Sadness at the breakup of a relationship.

In a perfect world it would never end like this

9. Perfect World – Tonio K

I’ve never had to walk away from anybody I wanted as much as you

Still hoping I don’t have to walk away.

10. You Will Go Free – Tonio K

Realistic yet hopeful.

and I know I can’t touch you now
and I don’t want to speak too soon
but when we get sprung
from out of these cages baby
God knows what we might do

So there you have it. Starts off nostalgic for a better time, moves through some anger more sadness, some blame and self-blame, some hoping/yearning/praying for something better and ends battered but still hoping.

That sums up my “major stuff”. You’ve probably got completely the wrong idea about what it actually is but, especially if you know the songs, you should at least get a flavour of the emotional content.

Or not. See ya!

P.S. I’d still walk it for you any time 😉


Concerning Fanfic

I’ve been thinking, as Adam never said, about fanfic.

Now I’ve always been a bit snobby about fanfic. As a reader I dipped my toe in the water and found it not very tempting. Mediocre at best is my assessment of my admittedly small sampling of the quality. As a writer, it’s more tempting, but it feels like cheating – using someone else’s already created world and characters to tell my story in. Standing on the shoulders of giants an’ all. Also, and I’m aware of how pompous this sounds, I think that if you’re going to use these characters you kind of owe it to them to do a good job, and I’m not sure if I have the skills.

That said I understand the appeal of fanfic. At a basic level it allows us more of the world that we love to play in. There do seem to be some very common specific reasons to do fanfic, namely,

– to get your favourite couple of characters together and have sex

– to ‘fix’ perceived mistakes in the actual show and then have some characters have sex

– did I mention sex?

Now I have no problem with the sex, in fact I’ve been known to write sex-having stories myself. I just don’t need to have famous characters to do it. As for fixing mistakes, a) I don’t seem to see as many of ’em as some people and b) those I do – well fixing them that way would seem like cheating again.

OK so there is one other very common reason,

– to do cross-overs with other fictional worlds (so you can get characters from Harry Potter novels having sex with those from Stargate)

Now this one is what has got me pondering. See I recently did some tapes of Dead Like Me for M. Which meant I saw a whole lot of Georgia Lass in a short period and I can’t help wondering what it would be like to get Buffy and George in the same room. In fact it’s a thought that I can’t get rid of and am seriously considering writing about. Fancy that, me lowering myself to fanfic. (That was self-deprecating sarcasm unless the subtleties of it were lost by the medium of text only)

I wrote a bit about it today in my journal, together with some glimmerings of an idea. Oh that’s right I have a journal. I resurrected an old writing book/diary to get some thoughts out over a coffee in the MacDonalds in ASDA. On paper. With a pen.

It was kinda fun. My handwriting is terrible though. I forced myself to go slow to make it slightly better. That was useful, gave me both time to think and time to relax my hand.

Anyhow, back to Xander, Mason and all that sex…



Hmm. Well there’s something up with that. The answers I clicked yes to and the ones I added comments to are correct, but some of the ones I allegedly said no to are not the ones I got when I filled it in.