
What I’ve Got to Say

No comments? Fair enough.

Following on from last night’s post, I reviewed my entire blog, counted the posts and put them into categories. The categories are – God stuff, Computers, Writing, Reviews and Inane Ramblings (i.e. everything else).

In over 4 years (I started in Feb ’03) I’ve made 92 posts – an average of 21 a year or 1.75 a month. Low bandwidth.

In reverse order of popularity we have

  • 5 posts on ‘God Stuff’
  • 11 each on Computers and Writing (7 of the computers ones are recent MythTV posts)
  • 20 Reviews (though not one since Feb this year and oh, August before that)
  • 45 Rambling Inanities

So if that is some measure of what I’ve got to say then I should pick Reviews of my two front-runners. That surprised me a little. I was leaning toward God as the One Topic to Rule them All.

But do I simply want to go with something because I can? Do I really want that which will be more read over that which I wish to say?

Still mulling.


The Unbearable Shiteness of Blogging

I’m thinking about re-launching my blog. Ever since I quoted that thing from the screenplay blog a while ago I’ve been considering how I can make my blog better and better-read (more the later if I’m really honest).

A few random points

  • unless you’re already well-known or have a large circle of friends, acquaintances or people interested in what you think, it’s easier to get readership if you focus on a single theme or topic.
  • e.g. M. has a blog. It’s about knitting. Other knitters read it. Oh and…
  • pictures don’t hurt.
  • M. tells me she has worked hard to ‘promote’ her blog. Which mainly consists of posting on other knitting blogs.
  • shorter posts probably better
  • whilst the allure of blogging for the writer maybe be quickly knocking off a piece, to the reader the usual criteria apply – so worth taking some time to make it well written if possible

So I’ve been mulling these and other thoughts over for the last few weeks. I’d pretty much decided that as well as some promoting and better, leaner writing I would re-launch the blog as mainly being about X, where X is… Well what should X be? Options are:

  1. Writing
  2. Reviews (mainly films but maybe books and TV too)
  3. God Stuff
  4. Computers

Let’s rule out 1. on the basis that a) I have another blog for actual writings and if I want to write about writing… well I don’t really.

Of the rest – I discussed this with M. a while and she said she enjoyed reading my film reviews because she could relate to them (as opposed to the computer stuff which is not her thing). The God Stuff might be easier to promote as the main place I post is on Ship of Fools. Computers, though easy for me to blog about is also easiest to drop. I’m not doing anything particularly cutting edge and it seems to be the topic where I’m most easily given to expanding amounts of verbiage.

So what do you think, O long-suffering blog-readers? Not saying this is a binding vote but if you have any comments on the kinds of things that make you want to read a blog, stuff you’ve read here that you enjoyed, or elsewher – then let me know. I’ll certainly appreciate it.


‘…and it only took 5 months!’

On 20th Dec 2006 I officially moved into to my new house. Today, 22nd May 2007, a mere five months later, those nice people at Tiscali connected my broadband.

Some other time I will rant about this, about why it took a certain phone/internet provider so long to free up my phone line. But today I am just happy.


3 Kinds of TV?

A couple of lunchtime thoughts led to an idea for a blog post:

Thought 1: “I enjoyed What About Brian? last night but it’s not turning out to be must-see TV which I thought it might. It’s kind of a soap with jokes.”

Thought 2: “Hmm, most TV is either soapy or procedural. Or a sitcom. Or a combination of the three.”

So, can most TV be categorised as either Soap, Sit-Com or Procedural?

I guess I mean fictional TV since there’s news, sports and documentaries that don’t fit that. Now that I think about it you have to exclude TV movies, one-off dramas and mini-series as well. Though they sort of fit a fourth category – (Melo)drama.

But in terms of on-going series – hourly or half-hourly regular fictional programs, I think most hit my 3 or combination of the same. What do I mean by these three terms:

Sitcom: Primary purpose is to amuse, to make jokes. Value is obvious – everyone likes to laugh.

Procedural: Cop/lawyer/doctor/forensic shows are the obvious, but not only, examples. Problem(s) and/or Mystery(s) is defined, explained and resolved. Value is in the sense of closure.

Soap: On-going story lines using, and hopefully developing, the same characters. Value is that investment with story and characters is greater and so pay-offs can be bigger. Sense of attachment to characters, caring about their problems and triumphs, is greater IF characters are developed.

Soaps divide into real (or traditional) soaps and pseudo- soaps. The former tend to be plot-driven and the “churn” rate for both storylines and characters is so high that it tends to be unrealistic. A character that lasts any length of time in a real soap will have been through any number of relationships, breakups and dramatic life-events. So much that you hardly recognise who they are. Pseudo-soaps tend to have less episodes than real ones – they’re not on year round and have only one episode per week when they are. They can still be plot-driven but have the space to be character-driven because the “churn” is slower.

Seems to me that in the old days there was a strict divide between Sitcom and Procedural, and Soap. The former two had to reset at the end of every episode, which allowed for out of context, out of order viewing (popular with schedulers). However now most shows are mixtures. Desperate Housewives is basically a sitcom-ish, plot-driven pseudo-soap. Bones is procedural with on-going elements and character development.

It’s tempting to think our favourite shows aren’t so easily categorisable but I think they are. Buffy, for example, started out as a procedural – find and kill/stop the monster of the week – it grew into more plot-driven soap – season long story “arcs” – and always kept developing the characters. Of course there was always a strong strand of humour, and outright sitcom episodes in some cases.

I don’t know how profound all this is. Like many before me I’ve probably just created a classification system and squeezed everything I can think of into it, without really explaining anything.

Anyway that’s what I was thinking about at lunchtime. 


A Few Catch-Ups

I successfully sold my ebay items, got positive feedback and came out about £70 ahead after expenses. Result! However I’m not sure I’m about to start an ebay business just yet. There are a few items about the house that I’ve been eyeing up but… Honestly the thing you realise pretty quickly is that it’s time consuming. In terms of a time spent versus reward situation you want to sell a few high price items ideally.

I took a different plunge the other day and deleted 50 (my rough guess was actually correct) Dawson’s Creek episodes, some on the PVR, some on the MythTV box. I figured that I’ve watched them once and I’m really not that big a fan so I’ll probably never catch up. I feel free!! We’re in the run up to the final episodes so I’ll re-watch those. I’ve already watched the one that got recorded since the big delete.

Which is only 1 but should’ve been 2. MythTV crashed again – which is becoming annoying. Fixing the underlying problem might not be possible until I get my broadband connection but the crashes are identifiable so I’ve set up a scheduled job that checks for them and reboots if necessary. Not elegant but should stop me losing recordings.

Still considering how to make the blog more readable. Would probably mean sticking to one topic which I’m slightly loathed to do. Being brief would be better though.

Anyway – that’s my “catch-ups”, now I feel free to post a new though.


Electric Monks, Angry Radio and Honesty

Douglas Adams, in one of his Dirk Gently books, describing what an ‘electric monk’ does[1], mentions in passing that VCRs are “machines that watch TV programs so that you don’t have to” (paraphrase). As usual with Adams underneath the joke is a point well worth thinking about.

For example, in 1993, I owned a TV but that was all. OK not all, I owned shirts and pants and CDs and probably a few other nick-nacks. But as far as TV was concerned that was all. If I wanted to watch something I had to be there in front of the TV at the time it was shown.

In 1994, as well as my quota of nick-nacks and underwear, I bought a new TV and a VCR. Now I could record things when I was out. I was no longer tied to TV schedules. I needed to remember to set the video of course, which was often a faff. I also needed to make time to watch what I’d recorded – which proved a bigger challenge. Thus the madness began.

By 2006 I owned a VCR, a DVD recorder, a PC with a TV card and recording software and a PVR. I had the means and the capacity to record far more TV than I could ever watch. It was now possible to record 2 or even 3 programs and watch a 3rd (4th). The logistics of planning such viewing are however beyond challenging (e.g. record BBC1 9-9:30 on the VCR and BBC2 9-11:30 on the PVR for the film and then record Channel 10-12 for the other film…) The madness had grown.

Now, May 2007, I have a fully-functional[2] MythTV box. I no longer am tied to the schedules at all. The challenge has receded because finding and recording programs is as easy as browsing a guide (or even saying “record every Kevin Costner movie”)[3]. However this very ease of use creates its own issues. It’s so easy to record that why not record nearly everything that’s vaguely interesting? The madness has been curtailed with one hand and extended with the other.

I’m saying all this because last night, after only a few weeks (a month? more?) my MythTV hard drive is almost full. A lot of it is crap that sounded worth a look. A fair bit is stuff I’ve watched but not deleted. MythTV has an auto-expire function. You set a recording to auto-expire and when the drive is getting full it can be deleted. If there’s nothing that can be deleted eventually it’ll refuse to record new stuff – it won’t have the space to. Part of me thinks if I use this system properly I’ll be ok. I’ll keep the madness at bay.

“Properly” would be as follows:

  • Set the defaults sensibly – stuff I’m likely to want to keep (mostly movies) default to auto-expire off, stuff I’m likely to watch once and never again (reality tv, random ‘interesting’ crap[4]) auto-expire on.
  • change the defaults for anything that needs it – crap[4] movies get auto-expire on, genuinely re-watchable TV gets it off. “disposable” re-watchable TV[5] gets off too.
  • after watching anything consider whether it’s re-watchable and set auto-expire off if it is.
  • as the proportion of non-expirable recordings grows re-view them with a view to setting auto-expire or archiving to DVD[6]

Which should mean MythTV mostly manages its own space and everything is ok. At present for example about half the space is auto-expirable.

It makes a lot of sense. It’s all very plausible. But am I kidding myself? See the “madness”, what I’ve learnt from 1994 onwards about deferring watching of TV, is this: being able to record TV is simply a form of procrastination. If you don’t watch it soon after it’s recorded chances are you never will. “I can watch it any time” very often means “I will watch it at no time”.

For example, I mentioned some time ago that I was watching the reruns of Dawson’s Creek. I was using my PVR to do this. They were (are) showing them every week-day. I got behind and I now have a backlog of around 50 (some on my PVR which is now permanently “full” the rest on my Myth box). I’m actually looking forward to the end of the currently showing 6th season as that will be the end of the recordings. But will I ever watch them all?

Hence the honesty. Honesty with one’s self that is. How much of this stuff will I really watch? This is similar to the dilemma I faced with a music program I used to use called iRate radio The principle is simple – scattered across the web there’s loads of free and perfectly legal downloadable free music (demo tracks from unsigned bands mostly). Most of this is from bands you’ve never heard of. What you do is download the “player” which downloads and plays 6 starter tracks. You rate (hence I-rate – it’s not about anger) the tracks as they play. Your ratings are fed back into the iRate database and matched against users with similar ratings. Based on this you get fed new tracks (the iRate site doesn’t have the music it just keeps a record of where they can be downloaded.) – you rate those and so on… Over time the system should become more and more in tune with what you like and give you music you enjoy.

However for me it seemed this process took too long. Firstly this is because the player plays the same tracks over and over as it downloads new ones. Even with broadband I found I was listening to a few good tracks over and over and a lot of mediocre ones. It seemed slow to learn my preferences. I searched the iRate forums and found others had had a similar problem. The answer given by the software’s author was a little surprising:

The software works, people aren’t honest enough about their preferences.

“Do I really like this song or am I giving it a highish rating because it’s of a genre I like and I hope by doing so iRate will give me more songs of that genre (but better)?”

He suggested to be brutally honest and don’t try to fool the system.

To be honest I never stuck with it long enough to see if that worked but either way it made me think, and it makes me think about MythTV and auto-expiry too. How much of this crap will I really watch?

Well this post is not so much with the pithyness, let’s hope someone finds it entertaining.

[1]which was to believe things for us so we don’t have to and thus allow us to hold several contradictory positions at the same time. A vital ability in modern life.

[2]well ok there are glitches and it needs rebooting quite often but it basically does what it’s supposed to. Enough to be useable. Enough to prompt the kind of issues this post is about.

[3]I have no idea why anyone would want to do this either[7] but Costner was the first name that popped into my head OK?

[4]”crap” is my term for anything that I’ll watch but which has little real value. Often sensationalist, one-dimensional or of tangential interest. I’m happy to admit I watch crap.

[5]”disposable” would be stuff like Friends, Frasier etc. Stuff that’s nearly always enjoyable when it’s on but that you’re not going to miss not seeing and which is almost certainly going to be re-run.

[6]Which currently means writing the files to a data disk. MythTV has an archiving feature that produces playable DVDs but I’ve not got it working yet.

[7]I quite like Tin Cup and Field of Dreams is good but once is enough for Dances With Wolves and never is enough for Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves[8]

[8]I always tell it like this – I was unemployed (briefly) when that movie came out and thus qualified for a cheap afternoon rate of £1 instead of the £4ish that was the full price at the time. So I went along. It had Alan Rickman and one good joke[9] It had impossible but amusing geography[10]. Still, I came out thinking I wanted my pound back.

[9] Rickman’s Sherriff to a serving wench: “You my room 10:30”, to the next wench “You 10:45” (pause) “and bring a friend.”

[10]From the White Cliffs of Dover to Sherwood Forest via Hadrian’s Wall in an afternoon on foot.


Took the plunge

So after being registered for ages (years I think) I finally listed some items for sale on ebay. Whenever I’ve thought about doing this in the past I’ve been a bit nervous about the process and a bit scornful of the amount of money I could make versus effort. Buying a house and the consequent purse-string-tightening has given me a new perspective on the money angle!

Basically I’ve just listed items that I got with my Dell PC that I don’t need – mouse, speakers and that graphics card. One identical to mine sold for £68 yesterday and there are ebay shops selling them for £65. Neither of which I might add include both a dual DVI and dual VGA converter which I am doing. Having said that it’s an auction and you never know. I’ll be happy with anything I get (or I would have made the lowest bid higher)


Why No-one Reads My Blog

(except for M.)

One of the blogs I follow  had this this morning:

But here’s my advice, too: a blog is like a TV show. It needs a hook to get people to read it. It needs to create a compelling, attractive world (in TV terms, an “attractive fantasy”). And it needs consistency.

Got me thinking about my blog. It hasn’t got a ‘hook’ really and it’s not consistent. You’re as liable to read about very techie computer stuff, person faith type stuff or just random wibblings about my life as anything else. I suppose the truth is that I mainly write for myself – to get it out of my system, to express myself and as memories to look back on. (At least some of the techy stuff has come in useful later when I’ve needed to do the same thing again and didn’t need to start from scratch again.)

I guess my writing per se is not entertaining enough for people to be interested in absolutely anything I say. Unless they’re close friends like M.

My other big blogging sin is I ramble on at too great a length.

So – short pithy, witty posts, consistently about one topic – with a hook? Hmm. Have to mull that one over a while.


…no I should sell one!

After my update last night I tried the specific steps that I had identified as my “last try” to get my video card working. They failed. As decided I was going to give up and buy an NVidia card, however I was just looking through the BIOS settings to see whether there was anything obvious that might be relevant. (Yes that is a staw I’m clutching in my pudgy little paw) Some settings in there reminded me that my motherboard has a built-in graphics card, an NVidia one. It was just a question of unplugging the ATI card, changing a BIOS setting and rebooting.

Worked first time.

First bloody time.

That was with an open source driver – another reason why NVidia has better linux support, there is an open source driver that’s good enough for most purposes. I then downloaded the proprietary driver and installed that and everything was then working.

Tested it with Myth and live TV playback is smooth. Not only was the aspect ratio correct but it actually detected the resolution of my LCD TV automatically.

Now the onboard video card isn’t as fancy as the one I removed. In particular

  • it only has a VGA connection – the other one had DVI (with VGA adapter) and S-Video. But my TV has a VGA in so that’s no problem.
  • it only has one screen – the other one is dual. This has come in slightly useful as I can connect to my TV and a monitor. So that if/when it generates a resolution/refresh rate the TV can’t handle the monitor can. But this is a minor point. If I need to debug a problem with a different video mode, I can just plug in the monitor.
  • it uses main memory for its video memory. That’s ok, I’m probably over-spec’d for memory anyway.

In general the on-board card doesn’t have as much ‘oomph’ as the ATI one but that’s still more than enough for watch TV. Maybe if I was using HD it might need it – but I’m not.

My experience generally with Myth is that you don’t need as highly spec’d a box as all that. My old machine would probably have been fine and that was 5 years old. Buying a new machine has primarily got me a bigger hard disk and quieter machine. The processor doesn’t break a sweat and I rarely use all the 2Gb memory.

So now I’m thinking I’ll sell the ATI card on ebay. It’ll be perfect for some gamer on Windows.


Should I Buy a Graphics Card?

The latest on the Mythtv situation is that I’m still struggling to get the video driver working. I really need this to get the most out of Mythtv. Right now I can’t watch live TV because the frame rate is so slow it’s jerky. I can’t change aspect ratios on the fly.

So I’ve been doing the linux thing – searching the net, trying out different approaches, trying to figure why they’re not working and so on. I’ve still got plenty of avenues to follow with this however it’s getting frustrating. Now one thing I’ve realised is that ATI, who make my graphics card, have a reputation for less good support for Linux than Nvidia who are the other big manufacturer. So I could carry on trying to make my ATI card work, or I could just buy an Nvidia card and swap them. I’ve had a little look and I could buy an Nvidia card for about £35+£5p&p. If you look at it in terms of how much I’m paid that’s less than 3 hours work. And if I sell the old one on ebay I could even make that back.

But if I looked at it purely in terms of money I wouldn’t be building a myth box, I’d be sticking with my PVR or buying another. I justify it on the basis that it’s a project and therefore fun. But days and days of trying to get one thing working is not fun.

It’s interesting. I was at M’s the other night for a meal. Afterwards I offered to look at her laptop, which wasn’t connecting to the internet. I spent probably 90mins-2hours and in the end fixed it. But there was a point where I was about to give up. I actually enjoyed tinkering but I think another 30 minutes and it would have stopped being fun.

So do I buy a card or not? I think I’ll give myself a couple of hours tonight and if I can’t get it working, maybe make an order.