So what’s the second reason I’ve been a bad boy I hear you all ask?
So at the beginning of April my TBR was 188. My current TBR? 196!
I know, I know. But the thing is I make up these arbitrary rules for things that are supposed to be fun. So yes, I would like to read my way through some of my backlog of unread books and TBR was a way to achieve that. But there’s a lot in there that I’m probably only going to read when I really inspired to (a lot of the classics from Project Gutenberg) or possibly never (the rest of the John Carter books?) and there were some good books coming out, books for book clubs or books for series I want to follow (I only own one Discworld book after Thief of Time and until last week didn’t own The Truth)
So what I’m saying is sometimes you’ve just got to break the rules.