
Lesamy Week 16 – Back on Track or Broken Scales?

Weekly loss: 3kg (6.6lb)
Total loss: 25.5kg 56.2lb or 4st)
Current weight: 118.6.9kg (261lb or 18st 9lb)

Wow! 3kg is big. It’s more than I’ve lost since week two. It’s big enough to make me suspicious. As you’ll recall I did have some problems with my scales before Christmas, giving me silly low numbers, but I replaced the battery and it seemed to be ok again. Also I’ve checked it with smaller items against the kitchen scales and it seems to be accurate.

Actually I suppose I have stepped up the exercise slightly and this is the first week in quite a while when I haven’t had a meal out or a pub lunch or something. Anyway I’m choosing to go with it on the basis that if it’s wrong it’s a bit like an estimated reading on the gas bill – it all works out correctly in the end.


Lesamy Week 14 – The Big What?

So in about 30 mins (or however long it takes me to shower and pack) I’m setting off for the long drive to my parents for Christmas. I will have limited internet access (i.e. my mobile) and so this was supposed to be where I post a brief Lesamy update with my pre-Christmas weight-in stats. “Supposed to be” because it didn’t quite work out that way.

You’ll recall that I’ve had two Christmas dos this week and that I was worried about what impact that would have on the diet. So last night, after midnight to satisfy my anal side, I went and weighed myself. The scales read 96.7kg. I tried again. 96.7kg. I tried several times and still got the same result.

Now this can only mean one of three things:

  1. I miraculously lost 50lbs in a week.
  2. All this time when I’ve been weighing myself and going down in small decrements my scales have been wrong.
  3. The scales are wrong now.

3 seems most likely. I tried again this morning and I was down to 96.3. Now 0.4kg is within a plausible range for the normal variation but I suspect what’s happening is that the battery is fading and as it does so the readout it gives gets less and less.

I’ll be able to get a better reading from my mum’s scales when I get home.