diet L3 lesamy Less is More

L3 Week 8 – The Tragedy of the Disappointing Cup-cake

I have to admit I was nervous about Monday’s weigh-in. You see I was going out in the evening for a couple of beers with some guys from work. I wasn’t worried about that per se. I figured I deserved a freebie and I knew I would re-lose any gain before next Monday. But why did it have to be a Monday? (Because someone who now mostly works from home was in the office) It meant I wouldn’t have the chance to weigh myself after my walk and before my meal. And although I will take any weighing from the day as the ‘official’ one, that is usually the low point and it can be as much as a pound or more lighter.

Fortunately when I weighed myself in the morning I was at a very respectable – actually virtually indecent 😉 – loss of 4lbs. So I no longer worried about the evening and didn’t plan to weigh myself again at all. So when, going for my regular afternoon coffee only to find the canteen was out of power, I decided that I therefore had some calories in hand and could afford to start my freebie early anyhow.

Which is a long introduction to the fact that I had a cupcake. And it was ok. Just ok. The frosting was nice but the cake itself was a bit dry. And despite the hyperbole of my title this is not really a tragedy, but it is one of the frustrating things about being on a diet: that when you budget for, or allow yourself the indulgence of, a special treat, it better live up to that specialness. If it’s merely ordinarily nice, pleasant or just ok then it’s a bit disappointing.

Which actually I realised is all just a sign that food becomes too important when you’re dieting, even when you’re being successful. Or it can do. And that is a little disappointing. But it also spurs me to try harder. One day I will shrug off my disappointing cupcake as easily as I denied myself it in the days and weeks leading up to it. Then I’ll know I’m in this for the long haul.

For the record the rest of the freebie  I drank a little too much and ate more than I intended – even for a freebie. And the fish and chips were nice but probably not nice enough if you know what I mean. Especially since I seem to be struggling to get back down to where I was on Monday. Still half a week to go…

Lost: 4lbs
Lost so far: 26.8lbs
Average Weekly Loss: 3.35lbs
Weight: 277.4lbs (19st 11lbs)